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So here I am, my powers gone, only darkness remaining.

I can't even say this is unbearable because I have lost the ability to care about anything at this point. I feel rage all the time, but other than that I'm completely void towards anything and everything. And everyone for that matter.

I've also noticed that I'm acting similar to how my dad did when he was staying on the Bounty with us while Lloyd was captured by the serpentine.

I mean I don't eat nor would I ever eat condensed evil. I don't know what that was about, but it was weird. I would also never brush my teeth with a knife. What if I cut my tongue?!

But sunbathing during the night is quite enjoyable.

The other day actually I was relaxing on the deck with a reflector when Lloyd came out.

"Hey Linds, I was wondering... what are you doing?" He asked with a slight laugh.

"Sunbathing." I said

My brother looks at me, then to the night sky, then back to me again. "It's nighttime." He finally says.

"Yes, I know. You're blocking my moon." I said with a smile, readjusting my reflector.

I also keep hearing the ninja trying out they're new powers with their elemental blades. I know they're excited, but can they at least be considerate and keep their enjoyment to a minimum?

The boys have also been training a lot more, making sure Lloyd is in full control of all 4 powers. Being his twin, I can tell that he's not enjoying this as much as they are. I know he doesn't want to fight dad, but like I said before, I am incapable of caring at this point. I would feel sorry for him if I only could.


I'm sitting in my room when I hear the ninja once again playing with their elemental blades. They have developed a new game of launching things, mostly coconuts, through the air and then using their elements to destroy them.

They've also been working of their "witty quips" as they like to call it. But in all seriousness, why would they need a funny line to say while fighting the Stone army? What would that help? I find it rather annoying actually.

I walk outside to the top of the hill that overlooks where the ninja are practicing and watch them for a while, but get bored pretty fast... probably out of sheer jealousy.

"It is good to have our powers back." Zane says

"Yup, you're right. And since we've been working on our witty quips to follow every cool thing we do, I'd say we've got this thank battle in the bag. Or should I say, I'd be shocked if we lose!" Jay exclaims, whole Cole launches another coconut for him to blow up with his lightning powers.

"Enough." Comes Sensei's voice, he's just walked towards the beach where the ninja are. "are you trying to reveal our hidden location?!"

"Sorry, Sensei." Kai says, "we were just practicing our cool new elemental blades."

"And our witty quips!" Jay says

"Be wary of overconfidence, ninja. While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Army, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last." Wu says

"Yes, Sensei." They all say in unison.

Uncle Wu leaves. Once he's out of sight the ninja go back to their game.

I roll my eyes and go back to the Bounty.

"Yep, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat dad. Let's all just completely forget the part about me having to became a vessel to hold all this darkness... you know, the more I think about it, what will they do if I simply refuse?"

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