~5 Part 2~

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We were all in the lower level of the ship, trying to clear out the water that got in through the hole the Starteeth made. It was huge!

I haven't said a word sense yesterday, I felt terrible. The good thing to come out of me keeping my mouth shut, we're my eyes staying green. But it wasn't like anyone was really trying to talk to me anyways.

"Ah, this is hopeless! Now that we have no rudder, we've drifting aimlessly and we'll never reach the Dark Island." Kai says

"Would that really be so bad?"

"We only what is foretold will happen, not when it will happen." Misako states

Zane suddenly drops his bucket and looks through the hole in real side of the ship. "I sense something." He says

"Is it the falcon?"

"Is he all right?"

"Please be the falcon!"

"No it's... something else! Brace yourselves!" Zane shouts

The Bounty must've finally found land because the ship hits something and finally stopped swaying.

We all get off the boat to find we are on a small island, but not the Dark Island. It has what appears to be a lighthouse on it, but not much else.

"Why would someone build a lighthouse way out here?" My brother asks

"It's not a lighthouse, it's a prison." Zane states

There's a staircase that leads to what must be the only door to this tower. We start walking up when a great rumbling comes from the ocean.

"Mysterious. We better keep going." Wu says

We reach the door and see a security camera above it. It starts to move, proving someone is inside. There's the sound of locks from the other side and it suddenly burst open.

"Zane! Is it really you? You found me!" A man exclaims, embracing Zane

"Uh, do you know him?" Lloyd questions

"Of course I know him. I built him for heavens sake!"

"But my memories tells me you have passed." Zane says confused

"Aw, you found your memory switch." The man says happily

But just then, we hear the same growling from earlier. The man looks panicked now, "Hurry, it can't know that you are here! I'll explain everything inside." He tells us, but then to Zane adds, "including why it is you thought I was dead."

We all start to walk into the tower, with me taking up the rear. Everyone makes it inside without a problem, but as soon as I approach the door, an enormous mallet swings down and smashes the top step. I barely jumped back in time.

"What was that?" Cole asks

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's my security system, it self activates when an evil presence approaches. It must be faulty today." The scientists explains

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