Chapter Twenty Six

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oh yeah and I started a new Zayn fanfic yesterday called 'enigmatic' so if you like my books then check it out.


Man overboard - blink 182

It's been a flight filled with the constant quarreling between the mother and teenage daughter whom I'm sat next to on this aeroplane.

"But mom! You said I could go as soon as we arrive!" I watch the girl intently as she shouts at her mother.

"Sweetheart. I didn't mean you could go out with your friends when we arrive. We're first going to greet your grandmother. And that's final." her mother orders and the teenager lets out a frustrated groan.

"I don't want to go to that old woman's house, mother!" she whines and I furrow my eyebrows together. When I was younger I absolutely loved going to Ma's house, due to usually leaving with a overly filled stomach stuffed with food and twenty dollars in your pocket. By maybe her grandmother wasn't that great.

"Annie!" her mother whispers angrily.

"Jackie!" she retorts back to her mother and I groan. I couldn't stand a minute longer. Thankfully, it was the last few minutes before we finally arrived in California.


"Isabellllaaa!" my mother grins from ear to ear and runs towards me. I smile. I missed hearing someone actually calling me by my full name.

"Oh my Lord! You've changed so much!"

"Mum," I laugh, hugging her tighter."It's only been a year."

"And 67 days!" she reasons and I shake my head, instantly being reminded of how she'd usually keep track of things. All the time.

She grabs one of my suitcases and after arguing for a solid ten minutes as to why she didn't have to carry the bag, I eventually gave in and followed her to her old volks- Woah, woah.

"Mom?!" I shriek, taking in the brand new Audi Q5. "This is amazing. A new car?"

"Yeah! Saved up for it."

"Nice going mum," I say as I climb into the shiny silver car and examine the leather interior. "It's absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you," she blushes. "I call her Susan!"

"You named your car?"

"Yup,"she looks into the review mirror. "Remember what your dad named his car?"

The mention of my dad instantly made my heart ache. I missed him every day. I suddenly felt guilty that I hadn't visited or spoke about him in forever. He died when I was fourteen, car crash.

"Sorry honey." my mom says synthetically once she realizes what she said.

"Yeah," I wave her off. "Ella. He named her Ella - I remember."

"After you."

"Yup." I bite my bottom lip and smile as we arrived in front of my mocha painted house. "Still looks the same, eh?"

"Didn't change it one bit." she grins and I open up the car. We both struggle to drag my heavy suitcases into the house. I pant heavily once we're in the doorway.

"You!" I grin sheepishly at my twenty three year old brother who is sprawled out across the couch with a book in hand, "Help your younger sister out yeah?"

He instantly looks up from his book and I swear I have never seen a grin as wide as the one etched across his face.



We shout and embrace each other in a very tight hug.

"I've missed you," he frowns.

"I missed you too you dumbass." I say and pull him in for another hug.

"Still haven't changed have you?" he rolls his eyes.


Suddenly I hear someone running down the steps breathlessly. "BELLA IS THAT YOU OH MY GOD!"

I look up too see a overly excited Lottie running down the staircase, engulfing me in a hug.

"Ayee Lottie! I've missed you a lot."

"C'mere." she hugs me again and she drags Louis and I out the door.

"Where are we going Lottie?" Louis asks in an annoyed voice.

"To the park. Like we used to do, remember?"

"Well what if," Louis says, sass laced in his tone. "Bella actually had jet lag?"

I laugh and playfully nudge him in the ribs. "It's cool."

"Bull SHIT that flight was nine hours long how can you not be ti-"

"Jesus relax Lou," I laugh hysterically. "Calm yo nuts. I'm fine."

We enter the park and all three of us instinctively sit on our spot on the grass. The park was empty to our luck.

"So," Lottie begins. "How's campus?"

"Yeah, college girl." Louis adds.

"It's pretty great actually. Pretty normal, I guess."I answer shortly.

"Any boyfriend perhaps?" Lottie smirks.

"No," I laugh. "Forever alone."

"You're not alone, me too! Well I have a lot queueing to date m-"

"By 'a lot' do you mean one?" Louis scoffs as he mumbles. I nudge him again.

"Shut up," she smirks. "As I was saying. There's this one guy, but he's too...into bands? I mean like bands are literally his whole life which is kind of weird seeing that he doesn't know the members personally an-"

"Whoa," Louis scoffs. "Firstly, you don't need a boyfriend. You're like what...twelve? Sec-"


"Secondly," he speaks again."There's absolutely nothing wrong with being band obsessed. Bands give you that something that you can't get from ordinary people. Their lyrics mean everything - they just so relatable and understandable. So just because you've never really liked a band before. You are in absolute no place to judge."

I place my hand over my heart dramatically at his outburst, "That was deep."

We all laugh.

"What's his band he likes, lott?" I ask.

"Good urh," she thinks for a second,"Good Charlotte."

"Ahh," Louis says. "See? Good Charlotte. Char lotte. Lotti-"

"I get it!" she laughs.

We all laugh in unison. This is exactly what I needed. To be away from everything - that murder stuff. I just needed to clear my head. All with the help of my brother and sisters quarreling and my overly excited mother.

I'm happy to be home.

Yay I really liked this chapter! Hope you did too.
Few things I'd like to address:
Yes, I'm using Lottie Tomlinson as Bella's sister and she's going to be fourteen. I know she's sixteen in reality

Louis Tomlinson as her older brother also twenty three. His real age in reality also

Harry won't be that much in the next few chapters too.
Thank you
Goal for next chapter:

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