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The Great Escape - Boys like Girls

*Zayns POV*

Its been eight days. Eight days since we've seen Bella. And four days since we went to that house. So seeing that there was nothing that we could do, I decide to ring Ed up.

"Da fuck this?" Ed answered my call in his groggy voice.

"Good morning snowflake." I joked causing him to laugh on the other side of the line.


"Meet me in a half hours time," I say, "At that café on campus."

"You taking me on a date?"

"Haha," I laughed in monotone, "I might be single but I'm not desperate."


"Okay look," I cleared my throat, "I think we should go back and you know...check if she might be there."

"I doubt it," he answered, "But it's worth a shot."

*Bellas POV*

Harry has been pacing in and out of the room for the last twenty minutes. Making sure that everything is in place for our great escape - or should I say, my great escape.

"I'm scared, Harry..."

"Why?" he asked, brow furrowed.

"Blaze, who knows what he will do to us once he finds us..."

He rushes over to the bed and places his hand on the side of my face, "Don't you worry about that, alright? I won't let him come anywhere near you."

I forced a smile, "Okay."

"So here's the plan," he whispered, "I'll make sure Mike keeps him out of the house - or distracts him while we sprint out of here and take the back door, okay? If not the we'll have to go through front. Doesn't matter."

"Wait," I furrowed my brows, "Mike knows?"


"And do you trust him?"

"Look," he ran a hand through his hair, "Just trust me, please. You can't expect me to just leave you here."

"You brought me here." I murmured.

It was silent.

"You have to be quiet when we step out of this room okay?"

"Let's go."

He gathered a few other things a grabbed my hand in his, walking towards the door.

He glanced from left to right making sure the coast was clear, and we sprinted down the corridor.

The sound of our heavy breathing filled the quiet passage, our feet were in sync. A wide smile crept it's way to my face as the harsh rays of the sun shone through the windows of the large glass door.




Three things that I did not have for the last week - or what felt like three months.

"Thank you," I said as I turned to Harry, "for letting me go."

He looked at me, mouth slightly open as if he was about to say something. When suddenly.

"Going somewhere?" a deep voice said from the end of the passage. I instantly recognized it. Blaze.

"Blaze." Harry warns as Blaze takes a few steps forward.

"Now now," Blaze said, "I would just love to know where the two of you think you're going?"

Harry took a step forward, I pulled his arm but he didn't flinch, "What ever you do. Leave her out of this."

"It's alright, Har."

"Oh how cute," chuckled Blaze, "Already having pet names?"

Harry clenched his jaw, "Blaze.. I swear to god if you do anything stupid.."

Harry warned as Blaze nonchalantly raised his gun towards Harry.

I shook with fear each time Blaze would ever so slightly touch the trigger with his index finger.

"Stay still," Blaze said and yanked me by my arm so that I was tucked underneath his arm.


"And I swear to god I'll shoot this bitch."

He fired a shot and it hit Harry straight in his chest.


I could feel the tears swelling up as I was just minutes away from dying. I wiggled and wiggled trying to get free but nothing happened.

"Let me g-"I'm cut off by a loud gunshot, and screamed as Blaze fell face down on the floor into a pool of his own blood.

I looked over at Harry who was in complete awe - but with no gun in his hand. I followed Harry's eyes as they trailed to the left corner of the room.

"Zayn?!" I sighed in relief.

"Bella!" he says as he grabs me in a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Thanks for saving me, Zayn."

He smiled, "Of course."

He immediately redirected his attention to Harry, and aimed his gun at him.

"Wait Zayn, no!"

"What!?" he said, confused, "What do you mean no?"

"Harry," I said, "he helped me."

"Bella!" Ed says as he came around the passage. He embraced me in a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay."


"Mate,"Ed says as he turns to Harry,"Are you alright?"

I had completely forgot about him and the bullet hole in his chest which had way to much blood around it.

"Let's get you to the hospital," Zayn said and put Harry's arm around his neck.

I tried my best to comfort him as he kept screaming in pain.

"It's alright Harry," I said and kissed him on his cheek, "Hang in there, please."

"Bella..." his voice croaked.

cliffhanger... Bwahaha
Goal for next chapter:

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