Chapter Fifty Three(last chapter)

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A.N So this is the last chapter, there will also be NO SEQUEL. writing this book, has been an incredible experience for me, and without all your comments and votes it wouldn't have been possible. Thank you to the best readers ever!

Alive - Good Charlotte
Look after You -  The Fray

The late night sky versus the bright city lights rushed by in a colorful blur, as we drove down the wet streets.

I shifted uncomfortably, “Can you please tell me where we're going?”I whined like a three year old.

“I was instructed by Mr Styles not to do so.” I scoffed loudly at the formal name the cab driver had given him.

I huffed, folded my arms, and sat with my eyes watching the busy late night streets, until the car came to a halt.

“Off you go.” the cab driver said, I opened my bag in search of some cash, suddenly realizing.

“He already paid you, right?”

He nodded stiffly.

I rose from my seat and shivered as the cold breeze hit my skin. I was dressed in a wooly coat and it still was fucking freezing.

I glanced around my surroundings, lots of tall, tall buildings. I had no clue where I had to be, so I called Harry. After about, three or so rings, he finally picks up.


“Hi, H. I'm here...surrounding by lots of tall buildings,”I mumbled,“And I'm not quite sure which one.”

“Uh, look around and you'll see a tall white building called Hilton Hotel?”

I glanced quickly, my eyes catching the vaguely described building.

“Got it.”

“Now go to the front office and tell them who you are.”I nodded and put the phone off, started to walk across the street.

Once arriving, I felt quite underdressed. Because, by the looks of things, this is a six star hotel or something.

“Good evening,”I greeted the friendly woman standing behind the desk and computer, “I'm supposed to receive something for Isabella McCoy?”

She frowned slightly, realization suddenly lighting up her green eyes,“Yes! Mrs McCoy,” she handed me a green card, “There you go. Room 93.”

I nearly choked on air, Room 93. Braden's dorm room number...

Was it just a coincidence, or did Harry choose this himself? I smiled, he really did go all out then.

I quickly walked up the third flight of stairs, glancing at the number on the nearest door. Room 51. Probably another two flight of stairs. Room 75. Another flight of stairs. Room 87, it must've been down this hallway then.

I took a chance to look around the interior, there were dimmed down lights on the ceiling, the walls were pained a creamy biscuit color, the floors were carpeted. It felt very cosy and warm.

From where I was standing, there was a bathroom to my right, and if you were to glance down beneath you, you could see the restaurant and bar.

It was all beyond beautiful. I stepped further down the hallway, Room 89,90,91,92, I breathed in. 93.

I slid my card on the side of the door, allowing it to open immediately. The door slowly opened, my heart stood still but at the same time, it was a pounding mess.

A smile stretched across my face, and I swear, if I didn't have ears it would have gone right around my head.

Lots of fairy lights drapped from the ceiling, there were rose petals everywhere.

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