Chapter Thirty Five

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AN:// first of all I'd really like to thank each and every one of you for reading this story, and getting it to 4K ! :) I read all your comments and the positive feedback is amazing!

P.S: I wrote this chapter on my phone so spelling mistakes will be evident

Don't forget to vote,comment and follow!

*Mary's POV*

"Thank god," I exhaled deeply as Zayn steps into the room,"I thought you weren't going to show up or something."

He takes a seat on the bed, "What is it?"

"It's Bella, she went missing last night."

His eyes nearly pop out of there sockets, "What? What do you mean?"

"What I mean is...well her and I had an argument--or fight,rather--and I slept over at a friends house, when I came back I saw her bed unmade and her stuffed little animal I checked everywhere Zayn! It's been twenty hours already."

He walks over and engulfs me in a comforting hug,"It's alright, we'll find her."

I withdraw from the hug and blow my nose a little,"Thanks,zayn."

A soft knock on my door could be heard and I rush over to open it,in hopes that it might actually be her.

"Oh, hi, Ed."

He smiles and returns the greeting, nodding Zayn hello,"You called?"

"Oh yeah, we need your help," I said."I think Bella might be lost."

"Or kidnapped," Zayn adds.

"By kidnap," Ed says,"Do you think Harry might be part of this?"

I sit down on my bed and stare at the confused emotion etched across Zayn's face,"I think so."

"Guys," Zayn exhales,"A few nights ago..Harry saw me in the camera room and made me delete those...tapes."

"Oh my god," I say flabbergasted,"Which could only mean they're obviously guilty and want to cover their tracks which also included kidnapping Bella?"


"Shit," Ed curses,"Be ready at three, I think I know where they might be keeping her."

"Wait,Ed,how do you know all this?"

"Don't worry, just do as I say."

*Bella's POV*

"Why don't you just quit this?" I ask Harry as he boredly stares at me. Blaze ordered that he watches over me like 24/7, and it's pretty damn annoying. To be honest, I was scared. I was scared of Harry, Blaze and Mike. Reason being me not knowing what they're actually capable of doing to me, which is the scary part.

"It's not that simple."

I roll my eyes,"So what are you just going to keep me here forever?"

"Yes. Or even kill you if I have to."

I gulp,"I hate you."


I continue to stare at the blank wall infront of me, since they eventually put the fire out due to Harry's orders,who said it's way to hot in here for him to watch me.

"What exactly do you want from me!"

"Look we know what you know! And no way in hell are we going to let you go knowing that you could easily just report us to the police and have us sentenced twenty five to life in jail. Do you honestly expect us to believe that you won't do it and just go live your happy little life knowing we killed your best friend?"

"Damn right I would've." I lie, I would never have gone to the police. But that would make me seem almost weak,something I don't want harry to see.

"So shut the fuck up before I tie that cloth around your mouth again."

"Can I atleast take a shower? I mean you could even stand outside the bloody bathroom for all I care, I just really need to clean myself."

He scoffs, "What do you think this is? A five star kidnapping joke? I hope you enjoyed the last one you took,because its going to be a while since you feel water on your skin again."

"Fucking shit," I mumble and he immediately puts the tape around my mouth, finishing it off with yet another harsh smack to my pale skin.

"Stop! Lemme go! Leave me alone, Harry!" I squirm but he completely ignores me.

"Harry," Blaze says as he enters the door,"we don't want her dying just yet,so be gentle on her. We need to go,"

"What?" Harry asks.

"Someone might be on to us,we're taking her someplace else, we leave in ten."

I exhale in relief, someone might actually be looking for me. Hopefully they'll get here in time,or else who knows? I might just be stuck here forever.

"C'mon let's get the hell out of here," Harry says as he slowly uncuffs me.

a.n :// yay update! Sorry I haven't been updating lately, for it had been a really tough week at school!

Goal for next chapter:


Stockholm Syndrome / h.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें