Nazeefa's review

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Book Title: Wonderfully So

Author: mamoniqueee

Genre: New Adult

Chapters Reviewed: 6

Reviewer: @MidnightKoala

Note: I will try and be as constructive and as polite as possible regarding areas that I think can be improved but still remain honest. It is not my intention to be harsh or rude but if any of my comments come across that way, I do apologise sincerely. I am not always right and sometimes my opinions may be different to yours so please do tell me if you don’t agree with something I’ve said or want to discuss further - I am more than happy to. I hope the review is helpful! ❤️


Your title is cute and heartwarming. It gives me a pleasant vibe and is quite a unique sounding title. The cover is also really pretty and I think it complements your title well. The font is elegant and the images look sophisticated. Overall, a very nice choice. 

Moving onto the blurb, I think your usage of vocabulary and sentence structures is again, very elegant. I can tell you’ve put a lot of hard work into writing your blurb as it comes across as well thought through and skilfully written. I would suggest splitting the second paragraph as it is quite long and may be cumbersome for the reader. The actual content of your blurb is intriguing but I feel like you could work on that ‘hook’ factor. Your writing is quite formal and professional, which is a good thing, however, perhaps try and grab the reader’s attention better. You could start with a rhetorical question, for example, or a short, snappy one line paragraph. I also believe the last line of the blurb could be improved to captivate the reader and force them to open the book. Overall, I think your blurb is strong, but could be even better with a few tweaks.


Your opening line is beautiful! Your writing style is very intricate and I love the way you play around with words, twisting them into wonderfully written sentences. It has a very professional feel to it. But perhaps try and use just slightly less formal writing to cover a wider range of audiences? Your first chapter is fairly interesting in terms of the plot but I think you could make it even better. I don’t quite feel a connection to the characters yet and a reader may not continue reading onto Chapter 2 if the first chapter didn’t captivate them enough. The last line of the first chapter could ideally be more suspenseful and leave the reader hanging, forcing them to turn the page. 


Note: whenever I mention a quote from your work, I will highlight it between these symbols <> like so: <quote> to make it clearer where the quotes are. 


Your spelling is flawless. I only noticed one error at the start of Chapter 1B: <out of no where> This should be: ‘out of nowhere’. 


Your punctuation throughout the chapters I read is again, very good. I did spot a few minor errors though. 

In a few instances, I noticed you misplaced semicolons. Around half way through Chapter 1B, you wrote: <I saw the very few, broken pieces barely holding onto its wooden frame, reflecting the iridescent light from the sun outside the window; glistening through my eyes.> A semicolon doesn’t work here because both sides of the semicolon must be complete sentences whereas in your case, the part after the semicolon is incomplete on its own. So in this case, a comma would work better. Check for this in the rest of your story as well since I noticed it quite a few times; another instance is immediately in the next paragraph after the above line. However, I would like to once again compliment your beautiful sentences and descriptions here. Really, really nice! 

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