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March 14th 2020, the day after Rezwood let us out on a supposedly '2 week break' due to an outbreak of Corona Virus.

I heard the virus didn't affect anyone who wasn't too young, or too old, but I didn't believe that because if that was true-why were we missing school? The virus was spreading fast and soon everybody was either self quarantining out of will, or by force. I mean it really was a pandemic, not an epidemic, but a pandemic.
Meaning, the whole world was catching that virus.
Bao and I weren't about to follow suite.

Anyway, that was a hidden blessing in itself, because the night they let us out, Bao took me on another joyride and I ended up spending the night at his house again. We had slept in his room and since it was a Friday, we didn't have to worry about school or anything even though we still wouldn't have had to since we were on break.

It was around 11am when we both woke up on Saturday. We kept the lights off since it was light, and since keeping the light off during the day was an unspoken rule of his.
I guess that meant it automatically became one for me too.

Bao had taken a shower the night before but since I hadn't, after we both washed our faces and brushed our teeth-I was already getting in his shower. I'd spent so much time at his house that Amber suggested leaving an emergency bag of clothes there. I didn't think I'd need one but there I was, needing it and putting it to use. I guess the word 'emergency' could work in any immediate situation.

I woke up that day feeling the standard happiness that I felt when I was with Bao. I was happy to wake up next to him, happy to touch him, happy to joke and talk to him you know, just the daily emotion. It's just that once I got in the shower, I was still happy, yes, but it was more of an excitement.
It was more of a physical excitement.

If I was in any other place, I could've just blamed it on the morning. I could've just thought 'I just woke up, that's why it's like this,' but I couldn't do that there, at Bao's house. I knew why I was erect and it wasn't because of 'morning wood.' No, it was because I wanted to do something with Bao.

I had been really wanting to spend the night with him, for it to be just us, and I got that. As soon as I got that, I wanted to wake up with him, and I got that. I got what I originally wanted out of the sleepover but as soon as I did I wanted something else. It's like with Bao, I just couldn't settle down. When we were friends I could go without wanting to touching him every second and I could handle being away from him even though I missed him. I couldn't do that after November 28th and it really showed.
That was the whole reason of having an emergency bag.

I had finished washing up about five minutes before I actually got out of the shower, and I spent those five minutes just trying to get myself to chill out. I usually had just the right amount of self restraint but I guess my 'right amount' was just a moments luck, and just like a moment-my luck had run out. I stayed in the shower for what I guess was past 40 minutes because when I got out and checked the clock in Bao's bathroom, it was around 12:30.

I put on the black sweatpants, boxers, and plains white tank top that I had packed in my emergency bag and I slapped my forehead a couple times before I left the bathroom and went back into Bao's room.

When I walked in the room, I closed the door out of instinct and that made Bao look up at me. He was sitting with his legs extended out up against the blue headboard of his bed, and he was wearing the exact same thing as me except his pants were gray. I didn't usually wear long pants because I got hot easily but it's a good thing his house wasn't as my grandma's.

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