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I never really had a real friend before Bao, so I never had to worry about remembering birthdays or special events. It actually seemed bothersome at first, to remember someone's birthday, you'd have to think about it more than once, get them a gift, and hang out with them.

If they decided to have a party they would invite you, and if you didn't know anybody there except the host which was your friend-you'd just be stuck. It sounds a bit obsessive I know, a boy that had no friends had listed out all the possibilities that could happen at his nonexistent friend's birthday but, I really did believe that.

That's what free time and loneliness does to people, it makes everything seem more trouble than it's worth.
Bao's birthday was not like that though.

To me, Bao's birthday was worth all the trouble and more.

It was September 11th, 2019, when I celebrated Bao's 17th birthday with him.
I was at the Dunkin' Donuts, and I had just got the four chocolate glazed donuts and the plain bagel with cream cheese that I ordered.
Before I went there, I had ate some cereal and went to the nearest CVS by Rezwood and bought two candles.
One a white 1, the other a green 7.
I wanted to get blue candles but they didn't have any so I had to settle for white and green.

The night before was a Friday, and Bao and I had been on a call because he was stressing over an essay that was due on the following Monday.
When we were talking, I kept asking what he wanted for his birthday and he would say the same thing each time, "let's hang out."

It made me a bit anxious honestly, he was the first person that I wanted to get to know, and please. I wanted to give him something of some sort but all I had thought of was Donuts.
That's when I thought of the park, our spot. I thought about how at the time, I also had 'a spot' and how it was a getaway place for me-Just like how the park was for Bao. I wanted to take him there for his birthday, even though his birthday was actually on the 13th. So, that's exactly what I planned.

I wasn't planning to tell him that but I didn't get the chance to over the phone anyway. I had to get off the call earlier than I'd wanted to because I had to meet the new Home Health nurse that Dr.Caleb sent to take care of my grandmother after I freaked out when she started vomiting earlier that Friday morning.

It was only a side effect of the Razadyne but, I called and I must've worried him enough for him to take her care out of my hands and give it to a home nurse-so quickly too.

I wasn't mad though, this actually gave me more time with Bao.
It wasn't like my grandma could remember the time I spent with her, anyway.

It was a small lady, about 5'2, she was white, and had brunette hair. She introduced herself and told me what she would be doing, which was assisting my grandmother with her basic needs like bathing, dressing, and she would also be doing more specialized services such as medication management, IV therapy etc.

Her name was Lucy and she had a firm handshake. After we got past our little introductions, I asked her if she would take my grandma off razadyne since she thew up but, she told me that my grandma needed it, that was just a small price to pay for her health, and that I shouldn't worry about it.

How could it be for her health if it made her throw up? I didn't understand it so, I still worried about it.

I only forgot about it when I texted Bao what my plan was for the 11th. I didn't actually tell him the location of my spot, only that it was my spot and that I wanted him to see it.
I asked him if we could meet at 10:00 am, at Rezwood's entrance. Nobody went there on Saturday so it made a good meeting spot. It was a bit early to meet on a weekend but, I didn't want to stay out to late because I was still on edge about my grandma. He told me it was no problem though, and asked if he should bring anything.

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