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I never thought about studying with someone before that day.
March 24th, 2019.
Friday afternoon.

I had English twice in a day at Redwood.

One, in the very beginning of the day. Another, at the very end.
Bao was in both of my English classes.
John was the teacher in both classes.
At the start of each semester, you are allowed to choose your classes.

This school was a bit of a Montessori school.

You're classes were based off your interest, if you wanted to be an artist, you could take art class twice a day max.

I wanted to be a novelist.

I never could really put myself in a position to get out and speak to someone so, I liked the idea of my words on paper, doing the job for me.
When I told John this, in my private self introduction (which was only private because no one else cared to listen), he only nodded and said,

"No wonder I have you Twice."

I did not think much of his response, but at least we both knew my motives behind taking the class twice a day. It was 12:32, three minutes before the half of day was scheduled to end, when Bao asked me to go to Dunkin Donuts with him.

"Why? What's at Dunkin Donuts?" I said, thoroughly confused at the invitation.

He raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes at me, and he sighed.

"Bro, there is Donuts there, duh.." He retorted.

For the months that I had grown to know him in John's class-I knew he was a smart mouth.
I clicked my tongue in mock surprise and he let out another sigh, this one was not followed by sarcasm.

"I want to study with you. They have nice chairs there, the donuts are just a plus, don't worry about them."

I didn't believe he wanted to study there,

just for some nice chairs.

"...please, come on don't you have to study too?" He whined.

We both had and English exam the next week, in John's first period class. I could tell he would beg if he had to.
He didn't though, I had mentally gave in as soon as I heard the invitation.
It registered in my mind as a 'once in a lifetime thing.'
Someone wanting to spend more time with me than necessary, couldn't have made me happier.
I wasn't good at showing at that though, and when he didn't hear me say yes-he had resorted to a frown.

He was like a little kid,

frowning over something so small.

"Okay. When?" I questioned him, which instantly turned his frown upside down.

I wanted him to say right then and there, and he did.
We left school together as soon as the bell rung.

The Dunkin Donuts was a five minute walk from Redwood. It was slightly breezy and for once I did not regret that I hadn't brung my jacket. Especially since Bao's arm was wrapped around my shoulders, fighting off any chill that wished to embrace me.

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