When i put my hand on the the door handle i didn't hesitate. I opened the door and walked in. I was surprised when no one greeted me. The TV in the living room was illuminating the hallway. I looked at Weston jacket and beanie on the stairs and sighed. 

I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was a small green container that said leftovers and my name. I took out the container. It was home ade soup. I took off the lid and stuck it in the microwave. As it heated up, I grabbed a soda out of the fridge and leaned on the counter. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when the loud beeping of the microwave sounded. I took out the container and grabbed a spoon. I sat at the table and ate. It felt like the first time i have ever eaten food. I didn't realize how hungry i was. It felt amazing as the warm broth ran down my throat. It seemed to warm my body from head to toe. 

When i finished, I rinsed the container and put it in the dish washer. Then i started it. Starting the dish washer was like a reflex. I had helped wash dishes with my mom when i was younger and she would always let me start the Dish washer. Tears sprung to my eyes at the memory. I wiped them away and went into the living room. 

Hailey was laying on the couch watching the TV. She smiled when she saw me and i returned it. I walked across the living room to the stairs and started up them. Karens door was closed which meant she was asleep. I went into my room and closed the door. I turned on the lamp and grabbed a pair of shorts from my drawer and a t shirt. I went into the bathroom and showered. It took only 10 minutes. When i was finished i got dressed and dried my hair.

I grabbed my phone and turned off the lamp. Then I layed in my bed. I turned on my phone to see no notifications. With a sigh i turned it off and layed down. 

As i layed there i thought about Weston. I couldn't seem to shake him from my mind. I wanted to hate him so much but i couldn't. I Walked in on him kissing some other girl and heard he killed not only his parents but Maxs parents to.

As i dozed off i couldn't shake the last thoughts in my head. Who was Weston, really?


I woke up fully rested and quickly got dressed. I wore a pair of regular blue skinney jeans and a White T-shirt. I pulled on a pair of vans after doing my makeup and straightining my hair. In a rush i grabbed a cup of coffee and chugged it. 

I was out the door with my back pack and down the street to the bus stop

"Julep!!" Chris yelled running towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck in a tight hug. I returned it with a small laugh. 

Anna was sitting with Caroline listening to music. I let out another laugh. Max was listening to his music. When he saw me he pulled the head phones out and said hey. He gave me a hug. something changed in Chris's face. Jealousy. Then I remembered she likes Max. I winked at her and nodded my head towards Max. With a sigh I walked over to Alex. 

He had head phones in. I pulled one out. He grabbed it and looked at me.

"What's up?" I said quietly.

When he looked at me I saw the same familiar look i have seen before. Still i could not place it. What was it? Desperation? Despair? Depressed? I had no idea. 

"Hey." He plugged the head phone back in blocking me out. I sighed and looked the other way. I have never been good at making friends but now was as good a time as any. I turned toward Alex again and pulled out both head phones this time.

"Dude, I'm trying to make conversation and these are not helping." I dramatically held them up and threw them down.  He stared at me and then sighed.

"What do you want?" It wasn't techiniqually rude, more like annoyed. But i didn't care.

"Just trying to be nice. Your like, really quiet and seem like kind of a loner so i decided," 

"So you decide to pity me." Now he sounded irritated. He stood up straight and his voice rose a level.

"No thats not what I meant. I just meant that-"

"You meant that you think im a weird freak that has no friends and that i need your pity. Thats what you meant. Well guess what? I dont need your pity. I dont need you to feel sorry for me. I dont need you to constantly want to talk to me. I dont need you or anyone in general so just do me a favor and leave me alone!" 

"Maybe I'm nit trying to help you! Maybe I'm trying to be friends with you! But I guess that's not what you want so whatever. I'll leave you alone!!" I yelled.

I stood there just staring with my eyes wide. The bus was making its way toward us with open doors. When it came to a stop every  one piled on. I stood there for a second before making my way up the steps and sat in the empty seat behind Chris and Max. The bus was kind of silent. Alex was sitting behind me staring out the window. Max and Chris were quiet in front of me. 

"Hey," Max turned around sighing.

I glared at him. I was kind of mad at him for ignoring me last night. He seemed to notice that i didn't respond and he quickly sat down next to me. Chris looked at me. Her lip was curled and her eyes were squinted. 

I looked away from her and at Max.

"Look, I'm sorry I ignored you last night. That topic just frustrates me a little bit."

"Its ok." 

"No. I promise ill explain everything soon ok?" 

"Yeah. Its fine." 

"Ok." I felt his hand slip into mine. His hand was warm but it didnt feel right. I forced the feeling down and squeezed back. 

The rest of the bus ride was quiet. I sat with my hand in Maxs and stared out the window thinking about How Alex Snapped.

When we arrived to school I slipped my hand out of Maxs and got off the bus. I approached Chris but she turned away from me.

"Dude, are you mad at me to?" I asked her when she turned away from me.

"Nope," She said annoyed as she rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me.

I sighed and went to maxs side. He slipped his hand in mine and We walked to class together. Still his hand felt like nothing in  mine. It was just warm.

As we were about to walk into Mr. Press class i saw Weston. He looked absolutely furious. He was looking down at me and Maxs hands. I looked down at our hands. Was Weston Jealous?

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