New Friends

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Max and I were walking side by side. I was on the curb balancing and he was walking in the road Laughing at the thought of me falling.

"No I would save you." He laughed.

"From the curb." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"Yes, It's a dangerous place." He laughed again. I jumped down from the curb as we neared my house.

I really didn't want to go. "There's my house." I pointed to the blue house with the brown wooden porch.

"Mines down the street more." He pointed to a big yellow house about halfway down the street from mine.

"I don't want to go home," I whined dramatically.

"Then don't. Come home with me."

He grabbed my wrist and spun me around in a circle. I laughed as he sped up. We slowed down and he released my wrist.

"Hang out with me today." He was looking at me.

"If I can. I'll text you. Give me your phone." He handed me his phone after entering his pin and I put my number in.

I handed it back and he set my contact name. "Well if you can, text me." I smiled and went off into the house.

I closed the door and leaned against it. I took a deep breath. I could not stop the smile appearing on my face.

I dropped my bag and pulled off my jacket. Westons Jacket. Weston. I had no idea were he was. But I was not worrying about that today. He was his own person.

I put Westons jacket and beanie on the coat rack and headed into the kitchen. Hailey was chopping somthing on the counter.

"Hey bug, where's Karen?"

"She's in the living room." I paused. She was talking. I went over to her and hugged her.

"Thanks bug," I said and went into the living room.

Karen was sitting on the couch and didn't even bother to look at me.

"Well I'm sorry about last night." I sighed.

"Ok." She was painting her toenails.

"Aren't you?"

"Yes Julep. I'm sorry I was trying to be a parent."

"But your not my parent!"

"I know! I get that but I'm your legal guardian!"

"No your not!!" I was frustrated.

"Actually I am. I went to the court this morning and they set a date for me to sign papers. I'm adopting you Julep." I wanted to cry. This was not happening to me.

I turned around and walked out tears threatens to spill but I stopped them. It was still pouring outside but I grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

"Julep!! Where do you think your going?" Karen was yelling at the door. I could barely hear her over the rain.

"A friend's!" I yelled back.

I took off towards Westons House. I don't know why he was my first person to go to.

I knocked on the door and waited. When it opened I wanted to die. Amy was standing there in a pink dress.

"What could you possibly want?" She sneered.

"Is Weston Here?" I asked ignoring her rudeness. She let out a laugh.

"Yep. Go on up." She opened the door Wide and I went inside dripping water everywhere. I was soaked. I started up the stairs and looked for his room. I opened amys door first and then Blake's. Thank God they were empty. Then I finally got to Westons.

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