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"So, as you might know there have recently been some paparazzi pictures leaked of you and Halsey getting a little... touchy? Are the rumors true?" The interviewer asks and you laugh awkwardly.

The thing was, the rumors were true, you and Ashley were dating, but you wanted to keep it under the wraps for as long as possible. "Um, no they're not, uh Halsey and I are just really good friends, honestly" You say and the interviewer raises an eyebrow at you, making you do the same to him. 

"What?" You ask making him smile, "Are you sure? Because in one picture that was recently taken Halsey seems to be a little more than friendly don't you think?" he asks, holding up a picture of Ashley standing behind you, arms wrapped around your waist while kissing your neck with you smiling widely. 

You curse under your breath, knowing your cover had been blown, "you got me!" You say laughing disappointedly. 

You had no idea how Ashley was going to react with your relationship now public.  I guess I'll have to wait and see,you say to yourself. "So? Are they true?" You bite your lip debating whether or not to tell the truth.

"Yeah, they're true, we were hoping to keep it private as long as possible but uh, I guess that backfired huh?" You say making the interviewer smirk, God you hated him. 

"I guess so, well y/n it was nice to have you here! I hope you have a great rest of the week!" He says happily and you mentally flip him off, he was so fucking fake.

"You too! It was so nice being here!" You say, getting up off the couch and giving the tall blond a hug. "Bye!" You call out as you walk out the building, not bothering to wait for a reply.

You sigh as you get into your car, smiling when you hear the familiar tune of your girlfriends song, 'Without me' come from the radio.

You sing along happily, beginning your drive home, however your little karaoke session was ended when your phone started ringing. You furrow your eyebrows confused, looking to see who was calling you. "Shit" you whisper when you see it's Ashley. You accept the call, putting your phone on speaker.

"Hey baby" You say, being sure to keep your eyes on the road. "Hey gorgeous, um, so about that interview" 

"I know, I know I'm so sorry I just- I panicked I didn't know what to do and-" you're cut off by the sound of Ashley laughing, "Baby relax, I'm not mad" she says and you feel yourself let out a breath of relief. "You're not?" Ashley laughs again.

"No honey, not at all, it wasn't your fault, you had no choice but to tell the truth" she says and you sigh, happy that she understands.

"Ok, I love you, and again, I'm really sorry" You say, biting her lip anxiously and you can practically hear the eye-roll on the other side of the phone.

"Don't be! I'm not mad I swear, just get your cute ass over here and cuddle with me" 

You giggle nodding, "Alright, I'll be there soon!"

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