Chapter 10

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The two hours I spent by the pool were an absolute haze.

Blake, I learnt, was the oldest child- well, older child;

It was him and his 11 year old sister, Sarah. It only took a single picture on Blake's phone for me to decipher that she was the cuter sibling- while, I didn't particularly like kids- this adolescent was by far adorable- with ring like hair that formed a perfect spiral, a blend of brown in her eyes that was just a singular tone lighter than her brother's pupil, and to top it all off, her pale skin was covered in the cutest freckles.

Blake invited me to meet her someday, and I didn't hesitate to say yes.

His parents were out of town for the Summer, and so he was left at home to babysit, but according to him- he had a close bond with his sister, so he didn't particularly mind- could the man get any sexier?

The rest of the time was spent with me eyeing the prominent lines that gave him an undeniably ripped torso, as he put on a jet black pair of trunks and dove into the pool- which by the way was filled with spotlessly clean waves of filtered water. My ogling unfortunately came to an end when he called me out for it.

"I could put the shirt on if it's a problem for you."

My cheeks reflexively turned an apple's shade of red, as I covered it up with an insult that he obviously did not believe. But I got my revenge when I got into my swimsuit, and caught his eyes catching a glimpse,

"I'm sorry, is this too distracting?"

My offense however, did not lead him to denial. Instead he blatantly greed,

"No you're just beautiful."

To which my insides practically fluttered, as I diverted myself by taking a lap in the water.

The non-stop flirting and glimpses continued for a while, as we playfully pierced in our likes and dislikes, where we grew up and created a little bond on how both of us adored coffee- it was like a first date, except I doubted he'd consider it as one.

Besides, it was my first week in London, so this turning into something wasn't on my bucket list.

Now, after an hour of us swimming, we were interrupted by an old couple who entered in for their usual dip, and since our skin was getting water bruises, we decided to leave. It still took me a while to reach Dylan's room, because we meandered through the staircase, instead of taking the elevator.

It ended, in a nice way- with him wanting us to meet again, and me winking it off with a "maybe." I had to say though, 'Going for a swim had never been this fun.'

"I was starting to get worried you had been abducted." Dylan greeted, after my patterned knock on the wooden door.

"You and worry? Those are two things that definitely do not make sense together."

I insulted with a smile as I walked in. My hair was still damp, and my drenched costume had been stuffed in my bag, but a little water wasn't about to ruin my mood.


I shut the door and rested the bag on the counter, while I leaned towards him.

"I take it, the swim went well."

"Oh! It went better than I expected it to."

I grinned, as I waited for him to ask me.

"Did you meet Prince Charming?"

He mocked my enthusiasm as I grinned even further.

"As a matter of fact-"

The ringing of my cellphone interrupted my story before it could even begin, as I groaned over to my bag and pulled out the buzzing device, only to see it was my mother.

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