Chapter 27

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"Working on a Saturday for coming a few hours late?" I frowned, as Dylan hopped into the Audi.

"There's always repercussions Blair."
Dylan walked towards the door, peered his head inside, and gently kissed my forehead, as he walked to his seat.

I had been waiting in the open car, parked outside the school building for about 20 minutes- Dylan was told to stay back because of the hour he missed in the morning, while I was told I'd have to compensate for it by volunteering over the weekend. It wasn't the worst punishment, but I would have preferred sleeping in. The day had already been draining enough, and the last thing I needed was more consequences to follow our misdemeanor. Still, a couple hours wasn't as bad.


I peered over to him, while he drove ahead.

"I was thinking we go home for a few. I have to call my mom anyway- I haven't talked to her in a while- and you can do whatever you need to. We can then meet around 3ish and you can take me wherever you want."

"It's cute- you- organizing our day." He smirked, while placing his hand on my thigh- that was never getting old.

"Our day?" I repeated, with my fingers in nervousness, as he held in his smile.

"Don't let that get to your head."

"Something tells me it's already gotten to yours."

I twisted, as his eyes remained fixated on the road, covering the smile that he wouldn't let form.

The car ride was pleasant but quick. We reached home within minutes, but my legs had already given up on climbing 2 stories, so just as we parked into the apartment driveway, I let out my complaint.

"You may have to carry me."

The tiny shred of feminism that I had inside me was tossed out the window, as I gave him a needy glance.

"Why? Did I break something this morning?"

He vaguely stated, as he set the gear to P.


I asked, as the exhaustion in my legs reached my abdomen area. Perhaps it wasn't fatigue, it was a stomach ache, but had I really eaten something that stale? I asked myself as I recalled tossing the burnt food I had cooked up, and munching on the delicious meal Dylan had crafted instead- so no. That possibility was out the window.

"I mean, did I weaken your legs?"

He smirked, as my eyes opened in aghast.

"God! No!"

I appalledly spoke, as he shamelessly laughed at his uncensored commentary. I had to admit though, his humor did its job of making me grin, but there was no way I was letting him see through that. "You're really not that good."

"I'm not?" He conceitedly imitated.

"I seem to remember your words being completely opposite just a few hours ago."

"Right. That's because I wasn't thinking straight, but now that I've had time to process it all, it seems to me that it wasn't- what's the word?" I dangled in front of his eyes. "It wasn't satisfactory."

"That's an interesting evaluation, but how about I take you upstairs and give you some compelling evidence against it?"

"Mhm. You can try but it won't change my mind."

I played along, almost forgetting about my stomach cramps.

"Have I ever told you how stubborn you are?" He pointed out.

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