Chapter 37

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"Done?" Dylan peeked into my room for the third time today, as I flushed in redness while packing the remainder of my clothes into the suitcase- which had a willingness to not close. I couldn't blame it though, I had overflooded it with my things, and it was now absolutely cramped.

"Not even near, but you could help." I smiled, as he reluctantly made his way over.

"Sure, where do these go?" His fingers ran through the string of lace that he stealthily picked off the floor.

"On second thought, don't bother." I rolled my eyes, snatching the piece from his hands, as he let out a smirk, cushioned my forehead with his lips, as my palm dangled on, while he grinned and left me to finish putting the remainder of my things in order.

I tried not to focus on the fact that it was my last Tuesday here, but with every passing moment, it became hard to ignore that reality. There was also that little shred of hope that I continued to hold onto, which said that perhaps I'd stay.

Visiting the campus, and inviting Dylan to come to Boston with me definitely did not help the situation, as I grew eager to believe my delusions and disregard all truths that stood in the way of that. To be fair though, I had also invited Lexi to join my sister's special event, but her family trip wasn't ending till Monday, so I dropped it.

Now my plan to come back to London was simple- not foolproof, but simple. I had booked my flight for Thursday morning, while Dylan had booked his for Friday afternoon. He needed to stay back an extra day, because unlike mine, his presence was necessary to keep the internship running. We had decided to try an attempt at wooing my mother into letting me go back to London. There were no real expectations though, if it didn't work then we would let it go.

Besides, I found out that the week she was shipping me back in school wasn't compulsory, but optional- it was career week- so I figured that if our argument really didn't work, we could persuade her to at least extend my stay at Boston, and since Dylan would already be there, we could say our proper goodbyes.

I had also informed Maya that I'd be leaving a little earlier than planned, and while she insisted on throwing me a farewell party, I declined, knowing that she already had a lot on her plate with the fundraiser coming up- which I had personally seen her spend an insane time planning.


I said to myself, as I finished dumping the last pair of pants into the suitcase, and closed it shut, leaving two outfits out for the upcoming days.

My feet leapt as I playfully sprung to Dylan's room.

"Hey handsome."

I playfully twisted my hair, as I cradled in through the open door, holding in the gasp that his bare, dripping wet body drew onto me.

It didn't help that the towel he had wrapped around his waist was tied just above his navel, showing off his ripped torso and making me swoon at how that entire snack belonged to me.

"Done packing?" He raised his eyebrow, as my lingering legs made their way to him.

"Yeah." I cut off all distance from us, as I swirled my hands around his neck, and gently patted his mosituning lips onto mine.

"You look good after a shower." I shamelessly flirted, as he let out a snigger.

"You should see me when I'm taking it." His hand gripped my backside, as his molten gaze met mine, making me habitually let out a smile.

"I have." I let out, as he pulled me in and kissed me raw- again.

"I have to ask you something."

He broke after roughly 30 seconds of our lips cuddling, as I pouted while keeping our noses at a micron of distance from the other.

"Make it quick." He grinned at my dissatisfaction, as he hastily dove into his words. "Maya needs you to sketch one more painting for tomorrow."

"That's what you needed to say?" I looked at him in utter disbelief, as the water droplets seeped down from his shoulder, dampening the surface of my skin.

"Don't sound so impatient."

He derided, as I frowned.

"It's your fault for looking this way."

"Are you objectifying me?"

He questioned, almost distastefully.

"Yup." I giggled, as he rolled his eyes, and gently removed my arms from his.

"We're going to be leaving in about 10 minutes so I suggest you pack up your art supplies." Without warning, he slipped off his towel, making the hair on my skin stand up, as I agitatedly watched him put a shirt and pant over his body.

"Where are we going?"

I breathed out as he made his hair, completely unaware of the things my mind had conjured in that millisecond of him undressing- or perhaps he knew and did it to taunt me anyway.

"To the lake side for inspiration."

He dropped as my memory jogged to the place we had first ever grown intimate, and yet again I wondered if he did that on purpose.

"I'm not going there."

I defied his request, making his eyes direct their gaze to me.

"You'll do whatever I ask."

"In what world?"

I retorted, ignoring the sudden need to fall into his arms.

"There isn't one world where that doesn't happen." He kept our eyes locked with each other, as I began to fiddle with my fingers.

"I'm not going with you Dylan. I'm tired."

I distracted myself, to keep the heat in my body from spilling out onto him.

"Then I'll carry you."

He resolved.

"You can't make me."

I fought.

"Do you really want to take me up on that?"

He raised his eyebrow, and gave that cocky smile that I loathed.

"Why do you want me to do this anyway?"

I dodged his rhetorical statement, as he innocently wavered.

"Because the other day, you completed my tasks for me and that saved me from a hell lot of trouble. So consider this my way of saying thanks."

He gestured, as my lips glistened to a smile.

"Also your other paintings suck, so I figured this way you can get another shot at getting a high bid at the fundraiser." He dropped in, as I gawked my jaw open.

"You're pathetic." I sauntered out of the room, with my cheeks blushing a little more than I would've wanted them to. 

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