《 WILL 》

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Okay, before you even ask I have no idea what happened to me those three chapters ago. I would never kill myself just because of some cheating boy... I think. I mean, of course I was heartbroken, I still am, but suicide? It was like I had snapped or something.

But... the thoughts I was feeling. Those thoughts weren't mine. I'm not into self harm, I never have been. So whatever was going through my head, whatever I was feeling, it wasn't natural.

But anyways... Hazel and I were now miles and miles away from Camp Half-Blood, trekking along in the woods who knows where. Before we had left, Hazel had made sure to change and we grabbed a backpack and a full stock of food, Band-Aids, ambrosia, nectar, some drachmas, some more arrows plus a dagger, some clothes, deodorant, and Hazel's cavalry sword. So yeah, we were all packed up and ready to never come back to camp... even though we knew we would. One day.

~Two Years Later~

"Better watch out, Solace!" Hazel laughed as she slashed at me with her Imperial Gold sword. I dodged to the side, firing an arrow with a full point at her.

"I think you better be the one to do that," I grinned as I fired another arrow at her.

"Oh wow, I'm so scared," Hazel said sarcastically. She swung her sword at me and I dodged to the other side, but just at the last minute, she swung her sword quickly to the other side, hitting me on the side I had moved to 'dodge her.' She had hit me with the flat of the blade too, so I wasn't dead, don't worry. Her hitting me had signaled she had won the sparring match.

"Ah ha!" Hazel said triumphantly. "Victory to me!"

I sighed. "You should really let me win sometime," I grumbled.

Hazel just laughed at that. "No way. You should know by now that swords are way better then bow and arrows. Me beating you all the time proves that statement!" She said.

I grumbled a Greek curse word under my breath, sighed, then smiled. "Well, nice job," I said, giving her a high five. I mean, we're on the same team in real life. So technically, her winning is a good thing. Plus, we're friends, we should always cheer each other on.

We sat down in the ground, opening up the strawberries and beginning to snack on them. "Today was a good day," I said, biting a strawberry, "We killed two hellhounds, got in a ton of training, and got some more food way in town." Though we weren't in town now, we were in the woods, miles and miles away from it. The closest town is 18 miles from here.

"Yeah, it was," Hazel said, though she wore a frown on her face.

Her frown caused me to frown. Just like her smile, her frown is contagious. When she's unhappy, everyone's unhappy. It's just the way Hazel is. "What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up a bit straighter.

"It's... it's nothing," She said, looking away and nibbling on a strawberry.

I crossed my arms. "Obviously it's something, Hazel. What's up?" I asked.

She sighed. "It's nothing, it's... well, actually, I've just been thinking," She said. I expected her to continue, but she was silent.

I cleared my throat and laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I do that a lot too. What are you thinking about?"

"Well... I've been thinking about Camp," She admit, a light blush creeping across her cheeks. Camp was a topic we didn't really bring up much. It brought back a lot of, well, sad memories. And I know I told Hazel one day we would go back, but to be honest, I just wanted to forget the camp and leave it behind. So many things were there that brought terrible memories upon me, and I didn't need that.

Not to mention both Hazel and my memories were still somehow changed or whatever by Oliver. I didn't want to do anything when I didn't even know if it was the truth. We hadn't even brought up Camp Half-Blood in months, which is why I was so shocked when Hazel said it.

"O-oh... um, really?" I stammered, freezing up. "What about it?"

She inhaled sharply, then began, "Well, you said one day we'd go back, we'd go make things right. But it's been what? One, two years? I've lost track. Each second we're not at Camp Half-Blood, things get worse and worse. And I know I shouldn't be saying that since my memories are still messed up, but you told me all about Oliver, and he obviously has something to do with this! Will, I... I just want to go back to my home, to our home."

I thought about what she said. And... she was right. About everything. But mainly about one thing. Camp Half-Blood was our home, and we needed to save it.

"Okay," I said, causing Hazel to perk up, "Let's go back to Camp. Let's go save our family."

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