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I woke up with a yawn, blinking and looking around. I was in the Hades cabin that I was temporarily staying in with Nico. It was around midnight, and I didn't have to go to the bathroom or anything, so I don't know why I was up. I just had an... unsteady feeling.

I laid back down, but after a half hour of me trying to go back to sleep, I knew there was no point. I wasn't the slightest bit tired and once I was awake, I wasn't going to fall back asleep for another 24 hours or so.

I suddenly had a weird urge to go outside. I tried to ignore it, but it became pretty hard when I heard the freaking voice in my head. Go, Hazel. Follow the urge. Go into the woods. You'll know what to do from there.

I yelped, shocked by the strangely familiar man's voice in my head. But when voices talk in your head, voices that don't belong to you, it's usually a sign you should listen. I sighed, placing a fuzzy purple bathrobe and sandals on, and tying my messy hair back. I stepped out of the cabin into the coldness of the night. Before I left though, I made sure to grab my cavalry sword, for protection and other obvious reasons.

What was I doing? Was I actually going out here?

Yes, I was.

I began to walk into the woods, nervous to run into any harpies or monsters. It'd suck if I died in my pajamas and bathrobe too, with my hair an absolute mess. At least I had a weapon to protect me.

It was about fifteen minutes later of my looking out in the cold night, and I was just about ready to turn around. What was I even doing out here? "I'll look for about five more minutes, then turn around," I said out loud, but quietly.

I turn the corner of some trees and... OMG! "Will!" I screamed, running over to the boy. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, tear marks on his cheeks, and we was breathing heavily. The worst part of all though were his shaky hands that were holding an arrow, the sharp end pressed against his chest. He was also sitting on the edge of a cliff, so that wasn't good. "What are you doing?!"

Will blinked, looking down at his arrow in confusion. "I... I don't know..." he said quietly.

"Hades yeah you don't know!" I said, running over to him and pulling the arrow away and throwing it far off into the woods somewhere. "Were you... were you about to kill yourself?"

"I... think so?" He said. He said it as if he wasn't exactly sure of what he was saying, like a question.

"But why?" I asked quietly, sitting down next to him and putting my hand in his. "What about all the people you would have left behind? Like Nico, your brothers and sisters, all your friends?"

"Nico wouldn't care," Will laughed dryly.

I frowned. "Of course he would. You two are dating! He loves you," I said.

"Well he obviously doesn't," Will spat angrily.

"What do you mean?" I asked, scooting a bit closer to him.

"It's a really long story, but basically, I found Nico making out with Leo," He said, his anger fading into sadness. He looked down. "I... I should've known it was impossible for someone as great as Nico to love me, for anyone to love me. I've always known that no one does."

"Oh, Will," I said, hugging him tightly, "Maybe my brother screwed up - there has to be a reason for that by the way - but that doesn't mean there isn't still dozens of people who love you!"

Will was stiff and not responding to the hug at first, but after a couple seconds, he loosened up, hugging me back tightly. "Thank you, Hazel," he whispered.

I smiled softly. "Of course, Will," I said.

He pulled away. He still had the same fear in his eyes, but he looked more settled and calm. "Hazel, honestly, I have no idea why I was just about to do that. I knew I'd didn't want to kill myself, not just because of getting cheated on, but it's like I couldn't even control my thoughts. It was... it was scary," Will said, adding the last sentence quietly.

"That's definitely strange," I nodded, then muttered, "I'm going to beat some sense into him. Harder then my mom did." I was referring to Nico by the way, not Will. Nico was acting different then usual and like a total jerk, so I would need to fix that.

Will inhaled sharply. "Hazel, I think we should leave," He said.

"Now just what a minute, Will," I said, "Leave? I know you must feel bad, but this is our home."

"I know, I know," He assured me, "But... something has been going down here, and unless we want any more incidents like this to happen, to tear us apart, we need to leave. We'll come back later to get this all sorted out, I swear, but for now. We don't really have a choice."

"I don't understand," I said, frowning, "Get what sorted out?"

Will looked down, scratching the back of his blonde haired head. "It's kind of a super long story, but it has to do with Oliver. It's something Leo told me, and when I think about it, I think Oliver did something to Nico and Leo to make them do that. Gods, I wish I had stayed..."

I had absolutely no idea what Will was talking about, but something told me I should trust him. "Okay," I nodded, "Let's go."

Will smiled, standing up. "Okay, that's great! Do you want to change first though?"

I laughed, looking down at my bathrobe. "Yeah, sure," I said. Meet me by Thalia's tree in ten minutes. He nodded, the two of us parting ways.

As I walked back, I wondered how I knew Will was going to do that. Was it because I was the daughter of Pluto and could sense death? Whatever the reason, I'm just glad I did.

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