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I watched, happily and excitedly as Valdangelo happened. I was actually doing it! Yay me! Not only was I succeeding at making Valdangelo happen, but I was also successfully tearing Percy and his friends apart. It would only be a few more seconds before Will ran in and saw this all happen.

Right on cue, Will burst into the room, "Guys! Oliver is here! He- HOLY HADES WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Will screamed, tugging at his blonde hair, and tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

I smiled, looking at Percy. Obviously Percy couldn't say anything since he was still hypnotized to 'shut up,' but he was struggling and I loved it. How cute, him thinking he actually had a chance at escaping my spell.

"I can't believe this!" Will said, his voice cracking. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted Leo! Or Percy who's doing nothing about this! I... I should have just gone with my memories and never have trusted any of you!"

Leo and Nico ignored him, just began to kiss even more. This was so fun! By them not responding, Will just got even more worked up. "I... I need to go," He said, wiping his tears away with his sleeve. On that note, he ran out of the cave, a sniffling, crying, mess.

I turned to Percy with a smirk. "I want to see what you think of this, Perseus. You can talk now!" I said.

As soon as I said that, Percy's face fixated into an angry glare, turning red, "YOU LITTLE F-"

"Okay, that's enough, Percy," I laughed, "Be quiet again." Percy tried to open his mouth, but found he couldn't, which just made him even more angry. How funny.

I turned to the two lovebirds. "Nico, Leo, stop with the kissing. Leo, you are now my obedient slave. You have no passions, hopes, or desire. Absolutely no personality. You hear nothing but my commands which you don't do anything but process and complete. Understand?"

"I understand, Master," Leo said, his eyes glazing over.

"Good! Now Nico, Leo, leave the cave and meet me back at Camp at the Poseidon cabin," I instructed.

"Yes, Master," The two said in unison, then left the cave.

"That just leaves you and me, Percy!" I smiled. "Now... what should I do to you? Oh, and you can talk again."

Percy took a deep breath, then unleashed a whole line of swear words. "YOU LITTLE BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO WILL! YOU'RE A MONSTER! AND WHAT CAN YOU DO FIRST?! HOW ABOUT RELEASE ME!"

I laughed at Percy's fury. "Percy, I told you I was going to tear everyone away from you, and that's what I did. I'm not one to lie, Percy, you should have seen this coming," I winked, causing him to just roll his eyes. "I could do so many things to you, Perseus. Make you fall in love with someone else, take away your fatal flaw-"

"How do you even know what a fatal flaw is?" Percy snapped.

I smirked, tilting my head to the side. "Let's just say I'm not exactly alone," He said.

"Creepy..." Percy muttered. I just rolled my eyes.

"I know! I'll turn you into some crazy person! Make you rant on and on like about lobsters running around in the garden - heh - and act downright insane, like you belong in a mental hospital. And tonight, I'll change everyone's memories again so they all know you, but also know you're the insane camp weirdo!" I said.

He frowned. "Okay, I must admit that's kind of creative, but also really weird! You won't get away with this, jerk face!"

"Oh, but Percy," I smiled, "I already have."

Chapter eleven (I think)! Also, this is random, but Annabeth and Oliver's ship name is Olibeth! Hope you liked the chapter in all it's weirdness!

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