chapter 2

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Y/n just nodded as you where too busy laughing your ass off with your friends you didn't seem to notice the fact it was closing time you bought the dress and left for home. The two friends left and walked home as it was the first time they had to go and be at work for a whole day

For fuck sake, you felt tired but at the end of the day you where going to use at least the orange bath bomb you start your bath by turning on the hot water only to realise your  chicken tendies are almost done you put the mango bath bomb in and head down stairs.

The fact that you had just gotten to your food just before they would turn black and dried was the best you walked up to the bath after sitting your food in your microwave, heard cursing '  now who the fook would break into this dinosaurs house at ' you look down at your watch ' fucking MIDNIGHT'

You walked to your bathroom to see the water was now red . like blood red and it was on your floor you followed it to your spare room,  and immediately saw a naked demon with orange hair snooping in draws of thing

" come on juicy, think if you where a pair of clothes where would you hide"

Great, he was looking for cloths yoi luckily had a bath robe laying in my arms well  you were  wearing it but I mean you had clothes on.

"WHAT THE FORK ARE YE DOIN IN MEH HOUSE YOU BLOODY (he he get it bloody l, cause he made the bath water OK nvm)RATBAG ASS EATIN TRASH BAG!"  Y/n yelled and he jumped halfway across the room and throw him the robe

" ahh sorry I was trapped in that magic fizzy ball thing :)"

" I DONT care how the fuck did you get into my room hoe"

He pointed to he bath , you  immediately facepalm. How can this thing SAY HE CAME FROM MY BATH IT DONT HAVE NO WINNDOOWS.

He look at the robe and then back to me curious.

" uhm can you help me please"

IMA smack his boi.

Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now