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Thank you for the lovely idea:) ilovereading333333

After the whispers ceased, I spoke to narrator and juicy They explained what was going on. They also explained it would take weeks to create a something to cease the violent whispers, however they had a spell to remove the burning sensation on my wrist,and to lessen the whispers.

That night we went out to a party that had been organised by Eddie, im not one for be dressed properly for big events so I threw on a simple a dark yellow shirt,  a black coat that draped around ankle Height , a beanie with little devil horns . I know it's weird but I felt comfortable for some reason.

As we arrived we could hear the music just thumping through the walls, a slight vibration on the footpath. We entered ( I'm gonna describe what adults clubs are like so I'm sorry if you get uncomfortable) bodies of both female and male, came together swaying to the bead of the music. Juicy decided to wander off with his buddy narrator, leaving me with Josh, Eddie and mully.

I walked over to the bar in desperate need of a drink. Josh followed behind, while at the bar Josh and I decided to do some shots (typical XP) after four whole rounds Josh passed out I was still on my first however.

A man walked over and sits on a bar stool next to me, he orders and turns to face  me. This man had short fluffy blond hair, freckles on his face and gorgeous hazel eyes. He roughly looked 6'3 ( not good at math ) he wore a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants ( idk shoes ;-;) and black sneakers.

" Your boyfriend doesn't look like he can handle alcohol" he said in a mildly gruff tone

"First of he's not my boyfriend, second he is a bitch boy ( sorry Josh ) who needs to learn"

"Oh I don't mean to assume "

"Please, if anything he's like my brother "

"I haven't introduced myself I'm Noah, and who might you be dear?"

" I'm (y/n) nice to meet you"

Sorry for not being longer and not updating I've just been having writer's block but also THANK YOU !!! Over 5k readers I thank you for reading this

Also if you read this you are an amazing person


Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now