chapter 8( i think)

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(Too lazy to add recap )

Eddie POV cause why not?
Okay so juicy is dumb, he magically called us and when we saw him through the screen(mirror magic)he had a fucking haircut, bitch we've been trying to with a spell but every time we do he whined because it was fluffy. I'm utterly impressed with this human for actually getting him to get a haircut.

Anyway we arrived and because he said that she was dead we got narrator to check her pulse, she was alive and well just sleeping. Curiosity killed the cat aka the little juice box .

Reader POV
I felt fingers touch my neck so I immediately punch (sozzy narrator ;-;) who ever it was in the face.

" owwww fuckkkkk!"the strange voice yelled, 

I shoot up and my eyeholes immediately open to see five people surrounding me One of them I already know of but, I was so confused.


" UHH I THOUGHT YOU DIED "yelled juicy

I immediately face palm and grab a monster from the fridge. They take my place so I begin to push juicy off the couch instead he lands on narrators legs. Success, I pushed him off I jump on the couch and open my drink.

" what you dudes wanna watch?"

"   hmm, how about fifty shades of grey" smirked the Mexican dude

"Nooooo!" I yelled

Juicy smacks the Mexican hard in the face.

" don't disrespect the Queenie bitch! " juicy yelled In his face

I giggle softly, I take a mouthful of my drink and watch as they all stare at it. I pull it close to my body hiding in my jumper.

"Mine" I said

Someone grabbed my drink I turn and see juicy he takes a sip, he make an approval face as if to say he likes it.


gaege runs and hides as I chase him. He runs to the bathroom and sits in the bath. I walk up to him.

"Gage can I please have it back, its to keep me awake." I ask nicely

He looks up at me and slowly hands it back. He climbs out of the bath and sits on the counter top, swinging his legs.

" why does it keep you awake, princess?"

"Firstly don't call me princesses, and, it keeps me up beacause of the caffeine within it "

He nods genuinely smiling slightly, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

He runs to the lounge room laughing, me screaming my head off.

Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat