chapter 10

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We all walk back into my apartment, kyle and ash came in too. I sat in between juicy and the short one ( josh). I look at juicy he was being quiet for some reason .

(Juicy POV)

How could she be so cruel to poor kyle, and Satan save me if (y/n) does that shit to me that was scary as heaven, everyone was so quiet thinking I can already see what's going on in ashes head and well hemhem its very scandalous.

Its weird how everyone's not talking and I know narrator is plotting to murder that chick if it his last dying wish, well his last living wish I guess.

(Reader POV, omfg don't listen to or nah deeper version night core its randomly playing KILL ME )

" are you alright dude?" Asked the Mexican taco boy

( when ever I try to write boi it turns to boo ;-;)

I stand up and drag juicy and narrator

" follow me, we need to chat"

I walk to my room, with them they walk in, I close and lock the door behind me.

" right do you know how to hehem dispose of a parasite ?" I ask

Juicy looks at me then narrator.  They both nod And an evil expression becomes plastered onto my face without me realising.

I push narrator out of the room, seeing as I trust juicy snac- fuck no ahh ree as I trust juicy (ohohoh the lemmons will happen XD just tell me if you guys are innocent or nah)

Anyway, I grab paper and write my plan on it and give it to juicy to read.

" so evil little Bunnie (my cat climbed over my head lol)"he said

I clasp my hands together, with the mist innocent smile on my face.

"Well why would I be violent juicyboi"I giggled

~written on the paper~
Since you guys are demons, can you guys make an illusion that I'm one of you guys then we can kil that thot.

~back to reality~

We walk out of my room to see ash and kyle gone ski, great they probably have the pleasurable play time with each other .

I turn to close and lock my apartment door. The the news comes on.

|news prodcast|
" ladies and gentlemen, I would like to report a car crash on billishon road (idfk not real road either I Dont  think ) the female driver at the scene died, police say sh was speeding as her speedo was maxed out, until our next news break "


"What the fuck she dead !, I wanted to kill her, well actually never mind I'd get caught " I said talking to myself

" hey, crazy lady what's your name?" Said taco boi

I sit on the couch with a packet of marshmallows in my hand, everyone looked at me as I stuffed my face, I then swallowed what I was chewing on.

"My names (your first and last name ) what's yours ?" I asked

"Buenos noches (good afternoon) me llama eddie (my names eddie only reason I know did because I teach of myself)" said Mexican

"Gday ( how many Aussies actually say gday?) My names Josh" said the shortest one

"I'm mully "

"And I'm the oh so vallient narrator " he bows 

Juicy grabs a marshmallow. I shove the bag in my bra. And run to the kitchen once I was in the kitchen I climbed onto the fridge and all the boys followed and started laughing.

"BiSh ThEsE are My bAbIeS jUiCy!!"
I yell in the most cringiest voice possible

Authors note
I fucking died and came to life with bunch of puppies also had to ride my horse sugar today, dad nealy fell off.

Little brother note
Is she on crack?

Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now