chapter 4!

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WELL if that wasn't the most terrible thing I've done idk what is but He nearly just ate the plug side of the toaster that's why I had screamed.

I can't FUCKING BELIEVE IT HELL WANTS ME TO COME BACK FOR THE DAY, well correction "school" wants me back for the day apparently a day to be chill with the boys a.k.a mom and kyle.

Juicy followed me around and just as I was about to walk out the apartment door I realised ya boo wasn't wearing clothes.

"STAY here I'll be right back" I said

I walk across the hall and spoke to ash. Ash had short fluffy brown hair, a masculine build and a sharp jawline, yeah he was cute but he's more of kyles type.

" yo do you have some clothes I can borrow ?" I ask

He walks to his room and grabbed  a white v-neck , black ripped jeans as well as black pair of jocks and a leather jacket, he also gave me a pair of white socks with black sport shoes.  He Shut his door as gently as possible.

I walk back to my apartment and saw juicy being a weirdo he was brushing his hair and then giving himself....wait for it ...... Anime girl twin hair buns. I throw the clothes at juicy he looked surprised and then began to take the robe off and I stood there with dirty thoughts not even realising what I was doing

" awe baby bear, you liking what you see?" He said in a sweet manly tone

OK he was shirtless revealing a six pack with large biceps, then I saw his v-line. I immediately turned in my spot WHOLEY FUCK!

He was dressed so quickly, that he looked like a model I dragged him along with my school bag and keys to my car, I pushed him in the back seat and I got into the drivers seat and reversed, I drove to kyles place and then lukes.

" yo who were you yelling - who's he "said Luke a little surprised

" this is my childhood best friend gaege Gibson."

We , well I drove into the mc' Donalds drive  through. The lady who was servicing us was name Bella or Isabella( if name is you're change it to a hoes name 😉)

" hi welcome to ( chillies) maccas how can I help you today?"

" ahhh yees I would like a breakfast sunrise meal y'know the one with two bacon egg burgers, four hashbrowns, two coffees and juice, that Is just for me, then can I get pancakes, a salad wrap and make that two sunrise meals thank you"

Both Luke and kyle gave me a funny look. Shit.

A authors note:

Me: juicy!

Gaege: yeet!

ME:No its YOTE

Gaege : b-but juicy thought it was yeet!

I'm tired I have to be at school at sum fucked  up hour and I HATE IT jk

OMG so today my brother and I were trying to buy food for ourselves and then we were like 2 dollars short the nice old fella offered to pay for our food so I said no its OK we can put a few things back and he was like " no its fine trust me, the other day I didn't have enough money to buy a quarter pounder and this lady drove in front of him  and played the rest of he amount for his burger" and basically bought all our food for us
I thanked him like 20+ times and then as we left he said Merry Christmas,  as me and my brother walked to the car I told him this and he's like "Santa came early and I hope that if he dies he goes to the  heavens not only as a grand father but also as a kind hearted gentleman love you sir!!

Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now