chapter 13

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Smashing climbed through the window, a sick twisted smile in his face

I'm fucked in so many ways I try to shake juicy from his slumber, to no avail did he awaken.

A spell casted and a sack over my head and now I'm gone.

(Time skip)

I'm thrown onto the floor and forced to bow down. The sack that was hiding everything around me was removed.

I was sitting directly infront of the devil. A small smile formed on his lip.

" ahh thank you young andrew, your reward is safely back within your home " his voice spoke with a sickening sweet tone

Smashing/Andrew had left the  foyer. Oh how I wish I was dead or even with juicy.

"Human what is your name? I would like to know." He asked

"That sir is none of you business you old boomer" a sinister smile plastered on my face.

My phone constantly vibrated on my little pocket, gladly the boomer was honestly yelling his head off.

" you ungreatful human, I will watch as you wither away and die."

"Try me boomer its not like you would succeede, dumbass"


Four guards came and dragged me away. I was thrown in a cell, my body clashed with the brick wall.

(Juicy's pov )

I wake to see a window open and a narrator screaming at me.

"SHE ISNT HERE SHES NOT HERE GAEGE NOR IS ANDREW(IMA use his for a bit as smashings name he's gonna change it tho)"

I shot up she wasn't here and nor was smashing, something felt off her scent isn't in this world at all. That double crossing price of shiz!!

" to home world"I yelled. I knew something was off, he was building up her trust only to break that wall

We enter home world into smashing home we saw him smiling and Hugging his family with tears in his eyes. We knock on the door and smashing opens it. I grab him by his throat with fire in my hands.

"WHERE IS (Y/N)!" I yelled as my voice became a deep roar

"S-she is i-in the c-castle sir" replied the man in my grasp I threw him to his family

"You and your family will be punished by your magic being sucked  from your body and you being sent to earth with no memory of who you are and only remembering  that of who your family is and your names" I said i as I then drain their magic from their pathetic bodies.

Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now