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{ so the reader is that person who showers every second night , she / you in this like to conserve water}

It was time to shower, I felt gross. After turning my shower light on I got undressed and wrapped a towel around my body, I grab the bubble bath solution, I had run out of bathbombs. Unfortunately I had to deal with it. I had a box of hair dye and gloves but my brain could not comprehend what I wanted to do, I took my phone out of the pockets of my pants and messaged the only true superhero in this house juicy!

Juicy teleported Infront of me, making me drop my phone. He stood wide eyed and quickly covered his eyes. He was a respectful man at this moment in time, he walked to a non reflective corner on faces towards the joined walls.

" Could have warned me you know" he mumbled

" I'm wearing a fricken towel you mupppet" I replied

"Doesn't mean shiz, what happens if your towel dropped!"

"Dude just fricking help me dye my hair you twát"

He waves his hand in a shooing motion, after hitting his head lightly on the wall.

Juicy pov-
I had received a message saying to help (y/n) with something so I teleported to her and jumped out of my skin, she was in her bathroom in nothing but a towel. I cover my eyes so I couldn't see her, I found a non reflective corner shuffling my way towards it.
Juicy get your head out of the gutter, she probably just needs you to get something for her, man up!

' fine I shall help thee on one condition, you get more chicken tenders, this time with more  sauce"

"Fine you only need to dye my hair you twog"

"What the heck is a twog?" I asked while moving towards her.

"It's like twat and muggle combine sought of " she spoke

I grab the hair dye, pastel electric blue , a great choice

Orange Scented Bath Bomb - Juicy X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now