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Sleep came quickly, Blader's Vigrid bunk welcome after the days of sleeping outside or wrapped in furs. His dreams were disjointed and confusing, but nothing like the ones he had had in the hospital and for that, he was grateful.

Freyja appeared first, holding a bouquet of dead flowers. She was standing in a field in her favorite white dress, stooping to pick up wilted flowers from the grass, placing them in with the bunch in her hand. When she turned around to face Blader, she was smiling and the flowers were beginning to regain their color, straightening and turning to face upward, although it wasn't the sun they turned toward; it was Freyja's smile. "You're coming home," she said joyfully. "You're coming home!"

She was replaced by a dimly lit chamber and loud music, the people all around Blader performing the traditional deck dance. Blader himself was stumbling along in time to the music, managing not to fall over, but he couldn't identify his partner. He could vaguely see her outline but not her face, the color of her hair, or any other identifying characteristics. All he could feel was her hand in his, her back solid against his arm when he pulled her close.

Then Blader was back in the woods on the Thrym farm, practicing sword fighting with Ivan. They fought until Loqé appeared, and then Ivan turned away, dropping the sword and leaving Blader to practice alone, which he did until the morning bell went off.

The barracks were dark when Blader woke up. The other einherjar were stirring as the bell rang, forcing them out of their comfortable sleep and into the motions of preparing for the day. Blader slipped into clean grey tunics, placed everything into his pack, except for the handkerchief-wrapped flower for Freyja, which he tucked into his pocket, and grabbed his weapons, settling his shield and spear onto his back and feeling relief wash through him at their familiar weight against his back. He'd missed them.

Wolfsted and Sodull were packing up as well and the three sat on the trunks as they waited for their Valkyries to come for them. There was silence as they waited, the excitement about going home combatting with the unwillingness to say goodbye. Perhaps it wouldn't be long before they saw each other again, but the bond forged through their training in Vigrid and the strenuous days in the Reenactment resisted separation.

Then the door opened and a voice called, "Thrym and Trautt, report to depart."

Blader and Sodull stood. "Well, I guess this is goodbye," Sodull said.

Wolfsted nodded, also standing. "I will see you back here soon," he said with a grin. "Swift travels."

"Safe travels," Blader said back, giving Wolfsted a hug. The Aldrian returned it, clapping him on the back.

"You and I have different priorities when it comes to traveling," he laughed as he pulled back, then received a hug from Sodull.

"Goodbye," Blader called back as the two boys grabbed their packs and trooped out of the room, glancing back at his friend. Wolfsted waved, giving them a grin, and then returned to sitting on his trunk, waiting for his turn to leave.

Loqé and Deila were standing in the entryway, waiting for them. Skalfi was already standing there, waiting, and she gave Sodull and Blader a small smile as they exited their room.

"Let's go," Deila said shortly, the Valkyries handing their skera granola mixes and covered cups of hot chocolate for breakfast, and they left the barracks.

The sky was still dark but Vigrid was alive with movement. Valkyries strode quickly through the streets, heading for the barracks to collect their charges.

"Einherjar are chosen to depart by destination," Loqé told Blader quietly. "Drottning and Njordesden are on the same line, hence why we're with Deila."

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