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Blader stepped off the Transriot at the stop nearest Loqé's office, his sword and shield weighing heavy on his back. It was ten minutes before eight in the morning on Baldordagr, and he was ready for his assessment.

Breathe. You can do this. Breathe.

Blader touched the door sensor and waited. No one was in sight, but the graffiti marking the outside of the office made him frown. After meeting Loqé, after all her help, and especially after last night, the degrading runes and slurs sparked anger inside him. She didn't deserve this, any of this.

The door opened and Loqé gestured for him to enter. Blader did, staring at her outfit as he stepped inside. Instead of her typical tunic or her armor, she wore a flared white dress that stopped just past her knees, touching the edges of her tall silver boots. A black and grey belt wrapped around her waist, sporting her sword, and a feathered shawl draped over her bell-bottomed sleeves, the silvery white feathers looking elegant and graceful. Her hair was braided in several smaller braids that cascaded down her back with the ease of a waterfall, rippling and glinting in the light as she moved.

"Are you taking Freyja's advice?" Blader asked.

Loqé shook her head. "No, this is the formal wear for a Valkyrie. Today is a formal occasion. All of us will be in formal dress." She pressed her tongue against the back of her teeth, silent for a moment. "I just said formal a lot, didn't I?"

Blader furrowed his brow. "All of the Valkyries?"

"Yes," Loqé answered simply. "Most of them, anyway. Your assessment takes place before the majority of the order."


"At the Valkyrie's hall," Loqé said. "Gildr Hall. I will be taking you there." She exhaled slowly, closing her eyes for a moment. "All right, let's go."


Loqé led Blader out through the back of the building, where two winged horses were stabled, one of them Haraun. She pointed to the second horse. "You ride Vaka. Follow my lead."

The horse was already saddled and bridled, and Blader tentatively opened the stall door and led the horse out. She snorted, flexing her wings as he stared at her dubiously. "You sure about this?"

"Yes, of course," Loqé answered, holding Haraun's reins. "Come on, let's go. It's like riding a horse, Blader. Except for the flying part."

The Valkyrie led her winged horse out of the miniature stable and mounted up, appearing to sit comfortably between the wings. Blader frowned and then copied her example, settling himself into the saddle and adjusting his hold on the reins.

"Vaka, follow," Loqé commanded. "Follow Haraun." She glanced at Blader. "Make sure you're holding on."

Blader wrapped a couple strands of Vaka's mane around his fingers as Loqé urged Haraun up into the air. The horse jumped, straightening out her wings as she tucked her legs in. Vaka did the same, leaping off the ground and beginning to circle up into the air as her wings drew down against the air.

"Whoa!" Blader couldn't help crying out as they left the ground behind and took off over the buildings of Njordesden. Loqé looked back at him and he nodded at her. "I'm good."

The two horses flew over the city, heading for the Valkyries' estate on the outskirts of Njordesden. Blader couldn't help looking down, marveling at the view from up in the sky. This is amazing. She gets to do this every day? And I thought riding Fjorsen was cathartic.

It felt like no time at all before Gildr Hall, the large hall belonging to the Valkyries, came into sight. It was built beside the Tidr River, far enough from Njordesden to not be officially part of the city but close enough for a quick response. From what Blader understood, they also had another station within the city itself with first responder Valkyries, a building similarly marked with graffiti like Loqé's office.

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