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Freyja's ecstatic shout reached Blader's ears as he carefully guided Vaka down to the ground before the house, following Loqé's lead. The little girl clapped her hands excitedly, her eyes wide, as Loqé and Blader dismounted from Haraun and Vaka.

"They're so pretty," Freyja breathed as Hilda came out of the garden, followed by Gunil.

"How did you do?" Hilda asked in a low voice.

"I passed," Blader said. "I'm officially a recruit."

Hilda pressed her lips together, nodding. "Good." Her voice was unnaturally small but she put on a brave face.

"I ship out tomorrow morning," Blader said. "For Vigrid."

Freyja cocked her head. "Vigrid?"

"Asgard," Hilda told her. "It's in Asgard."

Freyja's eyes lit up. "Asgard? You're going there?" Then she suddenly seemed to remember why Blader was going there and her face fell. "As einherjar?"

Blader nodded and turned to Loqé. "Is it okay if Freyja sits on one of the horses?" he asked in a low tone. He could tell Freyja was about to cry and wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. Today was going to be hard enough as it was.

Loqé nodded, looking very uncomfortable. "Yes, she can sit on Haraun."

"Freyja," Blader called. "Do you want to sit on Haraun, the Valkyrie's horse?" He glanced up at his mother for permission and she nodded quickly. She, too, saw Freyja was close to tears over Blader leaving.

"Okay," Freyja said, hurrying over to Blader, who lifted her up and placed her in Haraun's saddle. The horse stretched her wings out as Freyja gripped her mane, looking happier as well as a little nervous.

"You're welcome to stay, Valkyrie," Gunil said to Loqé.

"Thank you, but I have some business I must attend to before tomorrow," Loqé said. There was a look in her eyes, a longing, like she wanted to stay with all her heart but knew she couldn't.

"We won't hold you then," Blader said, reaching up and gently pulling Freyja off Haraun's back. "Anything specific, besides my weapons, that I should pack?"

Loqé pursed her lips. "Mostly necessities. Clothes and whatnot." She swung up onto Haraun's back. "I'll see you tomorrow." Glancing over at Vaka, she whistled. "Vaka, follow!"

The two horses sprang into the air, their wings reaching out as they left the earth behind. Freyja breathed out in wonder as she watched them fly away, a single tear trickling down her cheek.

"I suppose you'd better pack, Blader," Gunil said. "Hilda, Freyja, back to the garden. Those seeds won't plant themselves."

"I forgot," Freyja said, still staring up into the sky. "I forgot I had a flower I'd picked for the Valkyrie, for her to put in her hair."

"Tell you what, Freyja," Blader said, kneeling down in front of her. "I'll take the flower to her tomorrow, okay?"

Freyja nodded, another tear coursing down her cheek as she offered him the blue flower. "Okay. Tell her she has to put it in her hair."

"I will," Blader said, attempting a smile but finding it harder than he had expected, what with Freyja's stoic effort to hold back her tears. "I promise."


It didn't take Blader long for him to pack his necessary belongings and set them beside his sword and shield at the end of his bed. Then he headed outside, wanting to clear his head before helping Hilda with the chores.

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