Author's Note

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Thank you all so much for reading! I have loved reading your comments, and your votes and reads are very much appreciated! I am thankful you have stuck with this book through the end and I hope you have enjoyed it!

What was your all-time favorite character? Favorite moment in the book? What did you think of the villain? Of the ending?

Einherjar is only the beginning, however. It is the first book of its series; but the second book won't be up for a while. I'm going to be focusing on editing this one for the Wattys, so I won't be thinking too hard about the sequel until October at the earliest (and it may not be up for a while even with that, due to my classes). I also will be revising this one eventually - I'm already thinking of adding some more points-of-view (say, Wolfsted or Loqé) - but I haven't completely decided on that front yet, although I know other characters will narrate in the sequel. What do you guys think?

I'm also pleased to say Einherjar hit 100,000 words. My goal was 50k for the Wattys, then my estimate was 75k, but now it is officially the longest book on my profile (beating Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by not even 1000 words).

Make sure you keep this book in your library to get notified about the second book, or you can drop a follow! In the meantime, you can check out the other books on my profile if you want, see if there's anything else you'd like (Marvel fanfiction or more fantasy, anyone?).

Thank you again, so much, for reading and I hope you's guys all have a fantabulous day!

Skylar Wittenborn

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