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Blader lifted his shield, feeling the heat blasting all around him as he prayed for the best. Beside him Skalfi was gritting her teeth, eyes closed against the torrential fire. Erik was on his other side, anger etched across his features. He couldn't see Wolfsted, on the other side of Skalfi.

The fire streamed all around them, pouring off their shields and forming a circle of flame around the four recruits. The dragon stopped its downpour of fire and watched as they lowered their shields slightly, glancing around at the thin ring of fire encircling them, the flames licking at the air.

"I don't remember there being a circle of fire in that myth about the gold," Wolfsted said.

"It's in a different myth," Skalfi murmured. "The one with the Fallen Valkyrie."

Blader tilted his head to look at her. Fallen Valkyrie. "The one with the mortal hero."

Skalfi nodded. "I don't remember their names, but there was a ring of fire or something in the myth, guarding her so only the noblest could rescue her."

"That was considerate of them," Wolfsted muttered.

"Brynhild was the Valkyrie," Erik said. "Sigurd was the hero. Odin gave the sentence."

"I don't remember that one," Wolfsted said. "But then again, I always found mortal exploits in the days of past not as exciting tales to read about compared to the gods."

"Does anyone remember how to escape the circle of fire?" Blader asked.

There was silence from the other three. The dragon cocked its head, eyeing them almost lazily. It seemed to be waiting for them to act.

"As I said, I didn't read it," Wolfsted defended.

"I don't think it matters how they did it in the myth," Erik said quietly. "But that dragon won't sit there and watch us forever."

"No, he won't," Skalfi agreed. Quickly, she unbuckled her shield from her arm. "So let's get out, now, and take care of the dragon."

"What are you doing?" Blader asked her.

Skalfi glanced over at him. "Getting out of here. Follow my lead. Once we're out of the fire, attack the dragon, keep his fire on you so I can get close enough to kill him."

Without waiting for their response, she threw her shield down and kicked it so it skittered into the line of flames. The fire moved away from the object and Skalfi leapt over the shield, avoiding the fire.

Blader, Erik, and Wolfsted followed her, jumping over her shield to avoid the worst of the flames. Wolfsted kicked her shield up and handed it back to her as Blader and Erik formed a line before them, shields up.

Skalfi slipped her shield onto her back, securing it into place before drawing her dagger from her belt. As Wolfsted joined the other two guys, glancing back at her in consternation, she took up her place behind them. "Go!"

The three started toward the dragon, Blader hoping that Skalfi knew what she was doing. He didn't want to lose his friend. As the dragon blew fire at them, they ducked down behind their shields again and gritted their teeth against the pain, leaning into the stream of fire.

"I need to get close enough to stab it," Skalfi said to Blader over the roar of the flames, her voice rising in order to be heard. "With only my dagger and sword, the dragon can't throw me like it did Brunna."

As soon as the fire stopped, the four recruits charged forward, Blader in the center. When they reached the dragon, Blader slammed it in the face with his shield, instantly rolling off to the side as it recoiled, still keeping close to the ground. Erik went to the other side of the dragon, slashing at it with his sword, and Wolfsted followed Erik, choosing to feint with his shield but then jab his blade into its nostril.

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