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The four recruits sank down into the grass, slinging their packs and swords off their backs and slipping their shields off of their arms. Skalfi lifted her face to the warm, pleasant light from the sun as Blader took a sip of water from his canteen.

"The sun's nearing the west," he observed. "We should make camp here, use the time to rest up and see if we can scavenge up some food and water."

Wolfsted nodded. "We've only got a couple venison strips left, and I do not want to eat lichen if I don't have to."

"If we find a stream, Erik and I probably could catch some fish," Skalfi said. "I'll have to make a new spear, though. I don't know what happened to the other one."

"We can have a fire," Erik sighed. "And not sleep on stone for once."

"Wolfsted and I will collect firewood and refill the canteens," Blader said. "We'll ready the camp."

Wolfsted frowned at Blader. "Why do I have to do that?"

"Because we're fishing?" Skalfi pointed out. "This way, the camp will be ready when Erik and I bring in our catch."

Wolfsted scowled, not looking happy at his assignment, but he didn't complain any further. Skalfi and Erik grabbed up their weapons and started up the slope of the mountain. "Blader, come with us for the water," Skalfi called back. "We'll meet you back here, Wolfsted."

Blader snatched up his shield, sword, and the canteens, grinning at the look on his friend's face. "It won't take long, Wolfsted," he said, and hurried after the two recruits from Drottning.

It didn't take them long to find a clear stream flowing down the mountain. Skalfi and Erik immediately set to breaking branches from nearby trees and sharpening the tips as Blader knelt by the stream's banks and splashed the refreshingly cool water over his face and neck.

"Ah," he sighed as the water dripped down his face, slipping under the collar of his tunic and shivering over his skin. Blader splashed more over his hair and shook his head, water droplets flying everywhere.

Erik and Skalfi glanced up to watch Blader and within moments they had joined him, washing off their faces and sighing in contentment. "That's better," Skalfi murmured, before taking up her makeshift spear and finishing with the tip. She handed her dagger to Erik. "Be careful."

As Erik worked at his spear point and Skalfi watched the stream's current and the fish meandering along with it, Blader emptied the canteens out and refilled them with the cool water before heading back to the campsite. Wolfsted was gone, probably gathering the firewood.

Blader knelt and scraped up some of the grass, clearing a spot for the fire. Heading back to the stream, he gathered an armload of rocks from the banks and carried them back to the campsite, arranging them around the bare spot he had prepared.

Returning to the stream, Blader borrowed Skalfi's dagger and began to prepare four sturdy sticks to hold the fish for roasting. After handing her blade back to her, he headed back to the camp and found Wolfsted was still not there. Neither was there any firewood to point to his presence.

With a frown, Blader glanced around, wondering where the Aldrian could have gone. Setting his shield down but keeping his sheathed sword on his back, he started up the slope, glancing around for any sign of Wolfsted.

Blader ducked through some thick shrubbery, the bushes rustling around him as he pushed his way through. Just as he stepped into the little clearing on the other side, he heard the sound of footsteps and rustling and turned to see Wolfsted burst into the clearing, chasing a rabbit with his sword.

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