The first male doesn't take shit, like me, he seems to think children are ok and he's smart.

The female is a pushover and is doing this solely for Gaara.

The last male is quirky, I can tell he doesn't mind children, likes to cause trouble himself, he's a little bit smart.

"Pair the two men together and they'll make a great team with the kids." I say to Gaara.

The woman seems to take offense of that.

"The woman just seems to want your favor Gaara." I say to Gaara.

Gaara hums. "Alright. Well I hope the children don't break them." Gaara says to me.

"She didn't even ask us questions." Male 2 days surprised.

"Would you like me too?" I ask him.

"It would make me more confident, yes." Male 2 says to me.

"Do you both like children?" I ask them.

"They're ok." They both respond.

"What's your tolerance level for trouble making?" I ask them.

"High." Male 2 says to me.

"None." Male 1 responds.

"What about you teaching skills? Do you think you got what it takes to keep their attention on you and actually get through to these kids?" I ask them.

"We'll do our best." They respond.

"Good. That's all." I say to the two men with a wave of my hand.

"That's it?" Male 1 asks me.

I nod. "Yeah, I mean I already read your aura before the questions, neither of you are liars and I feel you two can keep their attention and balance each other out in the classroom." I say to them.

"But what about that question about children?" Mya asks me.

"I don't like children all that much myself, but I don't mind them. As long as you talk to them like they're adults, then you'll be fine." I say with a small shrug.

"Alright, your all dismissed, Anna stay." Gaara says to us.

Everyone else leaves.

"I hope your judgement on those two are correct." Gaara says as I walk over to him.

"It is." I say and Gaara hums.

He continues working while I sit on floating sand next to him.

The next morning, Gaara won't let me leave again. I find it amusing as he hugs me from behind as I try to get my shoes on.

"Stay." Gaara mumbles into my neck.

I end up staying another day.

At the end of the school day, the two new teachers walk into the Kazekage office.

"Well?" I ask them.

"We want to stay as their teachers." Male 1 says to us.

I nod. "Can I go home tomorrow Gaara?" I ask him.

"I suppose so." Gaara says to me. "You two are their new teachers, teach them well." Gaara says to the two men. "Your dismissed." He says and they leave. "Your judgment was right." Gaara says to me.

I smile. "I know." I say and he holds my hand as he continues working.

That evening, I lay on the roof, tired, but just resetting myself for tomorrows journey.

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