Lillie's Huge Mansion!

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After driving for a little while, they entered a lush forest with a road. It looked like some kind of park. It reminded the Taylor twins of when they first met Rhyhorn. Of course, Jason still had Rhyhorn, but it refused to come out of its Pokeball in front of what it considered "strangers".

"We've reached my house," Lillie told the twins, though all they could see were forests. "This is the garden."

"Wait," Jason realized. "So that means..."

"This is a part of Lillie's house!" Rotom squealed. "This is only a part of the garden!"

"Then that's a big house you live in, Lillie," (Name) sweatdropped. "I first that this was just the woods."

"Heh heh," Lillie sweatdropped. As the trio arrived at the mansion, the limo driver got off and opened the door for the three. They got off and thanked the driver.

A butler was standing in front of the door. He was well aged but professional.

"(Name), Jason, this is Hobbes," Lillie introduced. "Hobbes, these are my friends, (Name) and Jason. They're twins."

"Yo!" (Name) greeted.

"Good afternoon," Jason bowed respectfully. Hobbes greeted them back with a "Good afternoon."

The butler noticed the Pikachu and Eevee. "Excuse me, Miss (Name) and Master Jason, may I ask that your Pokemon stay outside?" Hobbes asked.

"Uh, Hobbes, (Name) and Jason came to help me on an assignment," Lillie told the butler. The butler nodded as he understood.

"I see, then right this way, please," Hobbes led the three into the mansion. While that was happening, the Salandit from earlier watched them go into the mansion. It had been hiding under the limo, watching carefully what the trio were doing.

Inside the mansion was huge. It was like that old architecture that (Name) and Jason's parents had brought them to when they were at work. Except that this one was new and in tip-top shape. Marble walls decorated the indoors of the house.

"The mansion's so big," (Name) noted.

"That's why it's called a mansion," Jason elbowed his sister lightly.

"I apologize for the intrusion," Hobbes apologized to the twins, "but I did so since Miss Lillie is afraid of Pokemon."

"I made an outdoor playhouse for Pokemon, so I can watch them from a distance," Lillie added. She gestured to the window, showing the Pokemon that were playing outside.

"But I'm afraid that more wild Pokemon will come to play," Hobbes feared.

"Well, the Pokemon seem to have fun- captured or wild," (Name) noted. "I think that if they're happy, that's what matters!"

"For the first time today, I have to agree with you," Jason admitted. He got a glare from his sister.

Finally, Lillie led the twins to her room. It was white, but also had some light colors as well. There were expensive furniture that made the room look like the ideal paradise to a regular person. She went by the bookshelf and picked out some books. After skimming through the pages, Lillie put some pillows on the couch and put the egg there.

The egg moved a bit and then as if seeming to sigh, it finally "relaxed".

"The couch must be really soft," (Name) remarked.

"Or it got tired of us moving from place to place?" Jason guessed. It was either one.

"Maybe," Lillie agreed with both of them. "I'm going to look more about eggs. Let's see how well the egg does before it hatches."

Jason and (Name) decided to let her read in peace. As they looked at the egg, (Name) noticed a picture. She couldn't help but ask Lillie, "Hey, Lillie, is that girl in the photo you? You know, the one holding the Lillipup?", pointing at the photo.

Lillie looked up from her book and realized with her friend was talking about. "Yeah," she confirmed. "That's me."

"So you could touch Pokemon before," Jason noted. "Kind of like how my Rhyhorn used to be social around other people and Pokemon."

"Yes, but I don't know why I can't touch them now," Lillie sighed. "Also, you have a Rhyhorn?"

"How do you think we rode the Tauros?" (Name) asked back. "Of course he has a Rhyhorn. It's a lot tougher to ride the Rhyhorn than the Tauros."

"Miss Lillie could touch Pokemon just fine, but when she moved to a place and came back to the mansion, she was suddenly unable to," Hobbes put in.

(Name) noticed the two other people in the photo. "Also, who are the other people in the photo? You know, the woman with the Lilligant and the boy with the Cleffa."

"Ah, the woman is Miss Lillie's mother," Hobbes answered. "The boy is her older brother. They are away for the moment. Miss Lillie's mother is working at someplace else while her brother is living in another place."

Then as if on cue, a maid came in with lots of sweets. "Miss Lillie, for you and your friends," the maid said, and she left. Immediately, (Name) and Pikachu felt hungry.

Jason knew that his other Pokemon would like to enjoy it, too, so he brought out Braixen, Frogadier, and Rhyhorn. Braixen and Frogadier dug in with (Name) and Pikachu. Jason tried to provoke Rhyhorn to try a sweet. He eventually did, but it was rock-hard.

"You sure eat fast," Lillie noted.

"No, just her," Jason corrected. "She eats a lot, then she burns it all energy by running around and training with her Pokemon."

After they finished eating, (Name) asked out of the blue, "Lillie, do you practice touching Pokemon?"

This was a shocker.

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