Happy Birthday!

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[(Name)'s perspective]

Life's really weird, you know? At some point, you feel like you're going to lose your sanity, but someone gets you back on track. For me, it's Pikachu, and I usually feel like I'm going to lose my sanity. I did, but I got better.

My name is [Name] Taylor, and this is my story.

I was born in Postwick Town the Galar Region with my cousin, Jason, on the same day. How weird is it to share a birthday with your cousin? Really weird. We were usually alone together because our parents were archaeologists. We can get bored easily, even if we're together, so one day, our dads and moms got us a Pokeball to catch a Skwovet or something.

Well, we caught something. Guess what it was. I caught a Pichu and Jason caught an Eevee. I just threw the Pokeball like Jason did, and it hit Pichu and Eevee. They became our best friends.

Then when we were like 4 or something, we moved into Kalos. Mom, Aunt Becky, Dad, and Uncle Frank had this business going on as archaeologists there. Good thing was that we were still together. We even learned about Pokemon battles, showcases, and contests.

Then at age 7, we moved to Kanto. I was about to blow my top, but Pichu calmed me down by shocking me. I can almost get used to the shocks. Jason has his Eevee to slap him in the face with its tail. Kanto was our parents' hometown.

Then it all happened. The week before Christmas(our birthday), something happened. Dad, Mom, Aunt Becky, and Uncle Frank were digging up at this digging site, then this evil criminal organization set a bomb there. Everyone was able to evacuate.

Everyone but those four.

The day before our birthday came up, and we got news that we were going to be adopted by a Pokemon Professor from Alola. Pichu had evolved into Pikachu, and we could Gignatamax now. We were living with Granny(No, not the horror game) and Grandpa(Still not the horror game), but they couldn't raise us. They were too old to raise kids again.

We got out of the house to meet our new dad. He told us that his name was Professor Kukui. He said that we can just call him "dad". We were both nervous because 1, we were going to move in with him in Alola, and 2, we were now siblings. I twisted my Dynamax band nervously. It's a common thing in the family. Almost everyone with the Taylor bloodline does that. From us to Great times-probably-a-million-or-so-grandmother Isla.

We went to the airport, and it took us nearly a day to get to the Alola region. When we arrived, Dad said, "Happy birthday, you two!"

"What?" we asked together. I was hugging Pikachu, and Eevee was on Jason's head. They were as confused as us. Then it hit me. It actually took a day to get here. This meant that it was our birthday- December 25. Actually, it hit us. We were like, "Ohhhh," at the same time.

"Also, starting tomorrow, you two will be attending the Pokemon School," he added. "It's going to be pretty tough fitting into Alola, but you'll be fine!"

"I hope so," Jason murmured. He twisted his Dynamax band even though his right wrist was already red.

"Jason, you don't have to keep twisting your band," I told him. He ignored me, which was typical, and Dad told us to follow him back to his home.

Dad's home was by the beach. It looked like one of those beach shacks or cottages that I read in my books. We were super light on luggage, but hey, we brought our phones with us. Inside looked pretty normal. There was a TV and a couch, some computers, an aquarium with water type Pokemon, etc.

"This reminds me of Professor Oak's lab," Jason noted. I had to agree with him. I had seen Professor Oak's lab before, and this looked like a replica, but more humble and home-like. Lots of research were clearly done. Then Dad told us to come to a room with computers.

"Here," he said, giving me a strange looking Pokedex. "Hold this." It was red, and reminded me of a Stunfisk, though I didn't know why, and to this day, I still don't.

"What is it?" Jason asked, still twisting his Dynamax band. Eevee was on his shoulders now, like Pikachu on mine. I had to admit that I wanted to twist my band, too.

"You'll see," Dad winked. He pressed a key on his computer, and a Rotom appeared on the screen. Electricity flowed from one device to another. It was sparking chaos until it showed its true self.

"That's Rotom, the plasma Pokemon," I said in awe. "An electric and ghost type Pokemon."

Rotom smiled at me, and then went into the Pokedex. The Pokedex grew a strange horn and wing like arms that the Rotom had. I couldn't believe it, and I don't Jason did either at first. It was a Rotom Pokedex, or Rotom Dex.

The Rotom Pokedex came to life, making beeping sounds as it turned on. "Hello, I am Rotom Dex," it beeped. "Who are you?"

"Uh," I stammered. "My name is (Name) Taylor! This is Pikachu!" I pointed at Pikachu, who waved.

"I see," Rotom Dex buzzed. It glanced at Jason. "And you are?"

"Jason Taylor," he smiled. "This is my Pokemon, Eevee!" he pointed to Eevee, who was on his shoulders and finally stopped twisting his band. "I'm (Name)'s sibling."

"I am Professor Kukui," Dad told Rotom Dex. "I'm Jason and (Name)'s adopted father." He waved at Rotom Dex.

"Professor Kukui, Jason Taylor, Eevee, Pikachu, and (Name) Taylor!" Rotom Dex named. "It is nice to meet you! I am a Pokedex that is a self-learning device!"

"Awesome," I awed. Rotom Dex stared at me blankly.

"Awesome...?" Rotom Dex began tracing into a blank. "No definition."

"She's trying to same that it's wonderful," Dad told Rotom Dex.

"Oh, I see," Rotom Dex beeped. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome," I said. "Do you mind if I just call you 'Rotom'?"

"Same here," I heard Jason say.

"I don't mind at all!" Rotom changed its screen to a smiley face. We all laughed.

"Now then," Dad began. "It's night now, so why don't we all go to sleep? I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."


Then we all went to bed.

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