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Litten walked on the streets of Alola, the fresh smell of food from the stands licked the air with its aroma. It went to a stand where a well-aged woman was selling berries. The woman was someone who knew Litten well. It wasn't like she was its trainer. Litten definitely ran wild. She just sees it almost everyday.

The woman gave Litten a berry as the fire cat Pokemon dug right into it. She looked at the Litten happily and then looked up as if she was waiting for something.

Then, all of a sudden, a flock of Pikipek and Trumbeak flew to the stands, taking some fruits from each market. The Litten stared in confusion.

"The Pikipek and the Trumbeak comes once a year to collect fruit," she explained. "Now, Litten, whenever you're hungry," the woman began, "you can always come to eat the food we all share."

Litten nodded as if understood.

Of course, one of the Pokemon in the Pikipek flock that was led by the Trumbeak wasn't a Pikipek like the others. It was an owl-like Pokemon that was mostly light brown.

Instead of collecting a berry, it collected a vase in its talons. The Pokemon was becoming sleepy and tired, but hearing the call of the leader, it snapped back its attention to being awake, though it was half-asleep.

Litten had no idea what Pokemon that was, but it sure was weird. Lazy, too.

Not too far from here, a young woman and her sibling and their friends were in the forest. Apparently, the young woman was trying to catch a Pokemon. They finally got themselves a battle. The Pokemon they were battling was... Grubbin.

Now who was this youngster? This was (Y/N) Taylor, daughter of the famous archaeologists Dorothy and Thomas Taylor. She and her Pikachu(who is male) were the best of friends, they were on a newly discovered level of friendship.

Immediately, the Grubbin fired String Shot, which her Pikachu dodged. She ordered her Pikachu to use Thunderbolt to the Grubbin. As it is effective, Rotom Dex tells that Pokemon can be caught when they are exhausted.

"I see!" the young woman smiled. She pulled a Pokeball from her pocket. "Go, Pokeball!" The ball hit Grubbin, encasing the bug Pokemon into it. The Pokeball twitched once. Twice. Thri-

"GRUBBIN!!!" it shrieked, releasing out of the Pokeball. It dug a hole to escape, but (Y/N) knew that the Pokemon wasn't going anywhere too far. Well, right now, at least.

"Pikachu, use Quick Attack when it comes out!" Pikachu nodded at the order. As Grubbin dug and dug, Pikachu charged energy for its Quick Attack.

Then the weirdest thing happened. Grubbin emerged in front of her friend, Lillie. Because of her phobia of Pokemon, she did the most obvious thing to do. She hid behind Mallow. Pikachu charged at the Grubbin, but the Grubbin was able to prevent getting hit with a String Shot.

"I like Pokemon as a topic to study," Lillie stated, still hiding behind Mallow.

Next, Grubbin used its jaws to hit Pikachu, leaving the electric mouse Pokemon injured. The bug type was able to escape only then.

"Gyah!" (Name) yelped, going over to her Pokemon. "Pikachu, are you okay?"

"We should take Pikachu to the Pokemon Center," Mallow suggested.

And yet, somewhere else, in a cave, a wild Bewear was just wandering around, while one of the Team Rocket members, Jessie, tried to catch Mimikyu. Of course, that was a fail, since Mimikyu wasn't weakened.

"You know, Mimikyu hasn't even been weakened yet," Meowth reminded Jessie. "That 'oughta make things a lot harder."

"We need to get out fast, or that huge Pokemon might eat us!" she screamed like a maniac. "YOU HEAR ME?"

Meowth and James stared in horror, which made James drop a Luxury Ball. There was really no say against it, but the topic changed from getting eaten by a Bewear to the Luxury Ball.

"Ooh, a Luxury Ball!" Jessie exclaimed. She picked it up and aimed it at Mimikyu.

"NO, JESSIE, WAIT!" James stopped her. "Please don't use it! It's from my collection!" he begged as he tried to stop his teammate from using it.

"Pokeballs are meant to be used," Jessie snapped, and she threw it onto the Mimikyu. The ball shook once. Twice. Thrice, and the Pokemon was captured.

"YES!" Meowth, Jessie, and Wobbuffet cheered.

"NOOOO!" James wailed. "MY COLLECTION!!"

Just as Jessie went to take the Ball, the Bewear grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her deeper into the cave.

"Hey! What's this mean?" Jessie screamed, kicking for freedom.

"According to Bewear, it's time for dinner," Meowth translated.

Jessie was about to blow her top. She got out the Luxury Ball with her Mimikyu, ready to battle, but the Bewear put some honey into her mouth. Again, a strange change. From angry to delighted, Jessie stopped focusing and became "floaty".

Meowth, James, and Wobbuffet tasted some for themselves. Like Jessie, they all went floaty.

"This is-!"

"It's like-"


"IT'S DELICIOUS!" all four of them squealed.

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