Tapu Koko Gives Me a Z-Ring

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I was sure that we were going to go straight home, but Dad took us to a restaurant. It was an Alolan styled restaurant, oh, wait, it's Alola, so I better get used to that. There were hulas, music, and we ate some food.

Just when we think that it'll be alright, a pebble dropped on my head. At first, I didn't know, but I later learned that it was a pebble.

A pebble. I looked up to where it came from. Turns out, I was looking at some Pokemon. A big Pokemon that was yellow with orange spike on its head going down to the face.

It looked at me like, "Well? Follow me." I did the most obvious thing to do. I got up and started chasing it with Pikachu. The Pokemon finally stopped by this ramp.

It stared at me and finally gave me a bracelet. First, I didn't know what it was, but when I got a closer look, I figured it out that was a Z-ring with a Z-crystal. It told me to put it on. No, literally. It talked to me.

I obeyed, and the Z-ring slid onto my left wrist. It looked like Kiawe's, but this Z-ring had a yellow crystal with a lightning bolt drawn to it. I looked up, and the Pokemon looked at me, as if saying, "It suits you."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Pikachu was in total sync with me.

"I mean what I said," the Pokemon replied.

"Well... thank you!" I said as the Pokemon left. When I felt its presence leave, I felt the same presence before like, yesterday. I didn't know at first, but I felt it.

"Pikachu, you... felt that, right?" I asked. Pikachu drastically nodded. We were so confused at that point. It was only a matter of time until Dad, Jason, and Eevee found us.

"(NAME)!!" Jason screamed. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking, I was doing," I corrected him. "I followed a Pokemon."


"Because it threw a pebble at me."

"Okay..." Jason said skeptically. "Was it a Scorbunny?"

"Of course not," I replied. "Everyone knows that Scorbunny doesn't live in Alola unless transported."

"Can you describe what the Pokemon look like, at least?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, it was yellow with an orange spike on its head," I recalled. "And it gave me this." I showed them the Z-ring it gave me. "Also, it talked to me," I added.

"Talked to you?" Dad asked. His eyes shimmered as if he discovered a new Pokemon.

"Typical," Jason rolled his eyes. He knows that I can hear what Pokemon are saying if I have the heart. "What did it say?"

"It said, 'It suits you'," I began. "So I said, 'What do you mean?'. It replied back to me, 'I mean what I said," then it left."

"You must be thinking about Tapu Koko," Dad guessed. Rotom was following behind Dad. As he heard a Pokemon's name, it perked up its senses.

"Tapu Koko, the land spirit Pokemon," Rotom started. "An electric and fairy type. Tapu Koko is the island guardian of Melemele Island. It has a brimming curiosity to show before people from time to time. It put in a bad mood, it will attack malevolently."

"No way," I shook my head in disbelief.

"Way," Jason countered. "You just met Tapu Koko, who dropped a pebble on your head and gave you a Z-ring with a crystal."

"Furthermore," Dad added, "that's an Electrium Z!"

"An Electrium Z?" I asked.

Again, Rotom perked up its senses. "An Electrium Z is a Z crystal with the Z-move Gigavolt Havoc, an Electric type Z-move."

"Pikachu does know Thunderbolt," I agreed. Pikachu did a flip and landed on my shoulder. A perfect 10.

I turned to the direction where Tapu Koko went. "Thanks, Tapu Koko!" I yelled. Then I added, "I hope we battle some time!"

"B-battle?!" Jason sweatdropped. "It'll destroy you into bits!"

"I know!" I smiled. "But battles are a lot more fun if it's challenging!" Pikachu agreed with me by doing another flip, but this time, it landed on the ground.

"She's right," Dad gave in. Jason sighed. Eevee played around with Pikachu by our feet.

Tapu Koko...

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