Pokemon School!

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[Jason's perspective]

It was morning, and Dad told us to get up for the Pokemon School. I'm not saying that I hate school, I like it a lot. Especially if it's a trainers school. I got dressed in a pair of Bermuda shorts, a T-shirt with a Pokeball logo, a pair of slip-ons, a cap with a Pokeball logo, and put on my Dynamax band.

"Morning," I said as I sat down on the table to eat breakfast. (Name), Pikachu, Eevee, and Rotom were already there. Dad was just making a salad. Three of them. I got some toast and stuffed it in my mouth. Apparently, we were going to have salad for lunch.

After digesting, I brushed my teeth real fast because I was afraid that I'll be late, and I think I set a record for myself.

Dad told us to go ahead, and he told us directions to get to the Pokemon School. Rotom Dex was able to locate it, so it lead us to the school.

The Pokemon School looked like a regular Alolan styled school. It's hard to explain it, but I think people get it. I should have listened to (Name) the other day because my wrist was bloody red today, and it stung.

Then Dad showed up out of nowhere. He was at the school gates. He waved at us. "Come on, (Name), Jason. I'll show you around."

He showed us the classes, gyms, tracks, and then finally, the principal's office. He knocked on the door of the office. "Principal Oak, you have new students," he said.

The door opened to reveal someone who looked like Professor Oak. I remember that one time, Professor Oak told us about a lookalike cousin he had. The lookalike cousin was a principal of a school. Principal Oak looked just like Professor Oak, but he had darker skin, possibly from the sun, and longer hair, don't know how he got that.

"Are you the lookalike cousin that Professor Oak mentioned?" (Name) asked. "He says that you like to make Pokemon puns."

Oh right. The Pokemon puns.

"My database says that Professor Oak and Principal Oak have over 90% matching face!" Rotom Dex exclaimed. "And what about Pokemon puns?"

"Oh, I see you two have the ABSOLute curiosity," Principal Oak said. He mimicked the face of an Absol. "I'm quite HAPPINY that you two have heard of me!" Then he mimicked the face of a Happiny.

Oh. The Pokemon. They sound like words. Dad, (Name), Pikachu, Eevee, and I sweatdropped. Rotom said, "Analyzing speech. Speech analysis complete!" I had no idea what it meant until it actually happened.

"I SEAKING your ABSOLute LOVEDISC for Pokemon puns, Principal Oak," Rotom said. We all sweatdropped again. Rotom was making Pokemon puns with Principal Oak.

"No way," I stammered. Eevee stared in confusion.

"Way," Dad sweatdropped.

"I'm so confused..." (Name)'s eyes started dizzying. Pikachu was in total sync with its trainer.

After some time, it was time to start the class, which was good because (Name) was super close to losing her consciousness.

Dad led us to class, and we had to switch to calling him Professor Kukui. He introduced us to the class. "These are my adopted children, (Name) and Jason Taylor," he told the class. "I hope you'll all get along well."

I sat next to (Name), since she's the only one I knew. Eevee sat next to me on the floor, like Pikachu did with her.

A girl on my right nudged me. She had blue hair in a bobcut style and blue eyes to the match. Her shirt was a white sailor's shirt with a blue collar, her pants were loose blue pants, and her shoes were just sandals. This girl must loved the color blue because her Pokemon partner was Popplio, a mostly blue Pokemon.

"Your Eevee is adorable," she complimented, smiling. "I'm Lana."

"Thank you," I replied.

The class was mostly about type advantages and abilities related with types. Professor Kukui got 3 pieces of chalk. One was red, another was blue, and the third was white. With the white piece of chalk, he wrote the types fire, water, and grass in a triangle, fire on the bottom left, water on the bottom right, and grass on the top middle. Then got a red chalk and drew some arrows, and he used the blue chalk to draw an arrow.

When he was done, a red arrow from fire pointed to grass, a red arrow from grass was pointing to water, and a red arrow from water was pointing to fire. A blue arrow from fire pointed to water, a blue arrow from water pointed to grass, and a blue arrow from grass pointed to fire. Then he drew a triangle with a yellow chalk.

"Do any of you know what this means?" Professor Kukui asked. I saw something similar to this, so I raised my hand.

"I remember back in Kanto that this means type advantages," I answered. "This is like rock, paper, scissors. Paper covers rock, scissors cuts paper, and rock destroys the scissors. Water puts out the fire, fire burns grass, and grass consumes water. This shows type advantages."

"Correct!" Professor Kukui said, smiling. Rotom went to take a photo of the chalk drawing.

"Great! Jason, let's play rock, paper, scissors later," (Name) joked, but I could tell that she had a meaning. Translation: "Let's battle after class."

"Sure," I said sarcastically.

"This is only the basic, though," Professor Kukui continued. "Of course, then, there are the five Chinese elements, which are control and generate of each other."

(Name) raised her hand. "The five Chinese elements are fire, water, earth, wood, and metal, right?"

"Correct," Professor Kukui said. We talked about types during the whole class. I honestly did not know that (Name) knew about the five Chinese elements until today. Then came lunch break. After finishing our salads, (Name) got up and asked me, "Jason, are we going to have to battle of not?"

"Sure, whatever, Eevee!"

We got to the battlefield and chose our Pokemon. Pikachu and Eevee, of course.

"Let's go, Pikachu!" (Name) called.

"Show them what you're made of, Eevee!" I said. Pikachu and Eevee got on the battlefield.

"Alright," Lana cleared her throat. "I will act as the referee. This will be a one-on-one battle between the team of Jason Taylor and Eevee and (Name) Taylor and Pikachu. Battle begin!"

Pokemon the Series: Sun and Moon Adventures!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz