Team Skull Battle!

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School ended and we were dismissed. Lana and Mallow asked us what the tradition was like back in the other regions. Lillie asked what Pokemon there were. Sophocles was studying Rotom, and Kiawe was minding his own business, I guess.

"Well, it's more of a Japanese-themed place in Kanto," I began. "Galar's more of a place that is based on England. Kalos is a French-themed region."

"And you should see the Pokemon Showcases!" (Name) added. "And foods from Kalos, too! It's really amazing!"

"What about the Pokemon?" Lillie asked.

"There are Galarian forms of Pokemon from Alola and Kanto," I answered. "You know, the Galarian Farfetch'd. Then there are the Galarian forms of Pokemon evolving into different ones. Types are different, too."

"Like how Stow-one-Side Gym Leader Allister has a Cursola," (Name) added. "In Galar, Cursola evolved from the Galarian Corsola, and it's a ghost type Pokemon. Then there's Mr. Rime and the Galarian Rapidash."

"That sounds like a lot of Pokemon to memorize," Sophocles commented.

"Oh yeah, and you have to prepare for G-max and Dynamax moves," (Name) added. "Max Strike is a normal type move, Max Lightning's electric, Max Steelspike's steel, Max Starfall's fairy, and so on."

As we got to the gates, Kiawe and his Charizard were arguing with some teenagers about our age dressed in black and white. When we got closer, we figured out what they were talking about.

There were three teenagers. One was female with pink hair and pink eyes, and the other two were males. The first male had blue hair and blue eyes, and the other was overweight and had brown hair and eyes.

They all wore black tank tops, white bandannas with black skull eye sockets, white shoes, and a white S necklace logo. However, the males wore black pants that reached over their knees, and the female wore white shorts.

"Hey, you and your Pokemon's blocking our way," the blue haired male said.

"I don't remember blocking your path," Kiawe growled. His Charizard looked ready to attack, but he eyed it to stay calm.

"Who are those people?" I asked.

Mallow scowled. "They're a part of Team Skull. They bully innocent people into battle, and then they steal our Pokemon!"

"Sounds like Team Rocket but more teenage and biker gang adapted," (Name) commented.

"How about this," the blue haired guy began. "If we win in a battle, your Charizard's ours."

Okay, I usually let people fight their own battles, but this was wrong. Before I could go in and protest, (Name) pulled me to go in and join Kiawe.

"Hey, come on," (Name) started to protest. "That's not fair! It's three against one, so we'll join in, too!" I looked at her as if she lost her sanity again.

"Come on, won't ya, Jason?" (Name) pleaded me. "For our friend, Kiawe?"

That got me. "Fine," I let out. She signaled me to bring out Eevee while she brings out Pikachu so we can Gigantamax our Pokemon.

"Hm, so you'll battle?" the pink haired smirked under her bandanna. The three Team Skull members sent out their Pokemon. 3 for each trainer, so 9 in all. There were 3 Yungoos, Salandit, and Zubat.

I knew that we were badly outnumbered, but at that moment, (Name) signaled me to Gigantamax. We returned our Pokemon to the Pokeball and it grew into the huge disco-ball looking sphere. We sent it out and there were two gigantic Pokemon.

Team Skull looked in awe. I could tell that they wanted to steal Eevee and Pikachu, too.

"Max Steelspike!" (Name) ordered.

"Max Starfall!" I commanded. Spikes grew out of the ground, hitting the Yungoos, and falling things from the sky hit the Zubat.

"I'll finish this," Kiawe glared at Team Skull. Listening to him, we let him finish them off. He used that thing again. "INFERNO OVERDRIVE!" he ordered his Turtonator.

Everything went off in a blast. All nine Pokemon all fainted. Team Skull returned them to their Pokeballs, and they rode off on their bikes the other direction. Eevee and Pikachu went back to normal size and got on our shoulders.

"Amazing battling!" Dad came in. Again, out of nowhere. "You three sure handled that well."

"Who are these Team Skull people anyway?" (Name) asked. "They remind me of Team Rocket but more like Team Yell."

"Can't disagree with that, but I don't say I don't agree with you," I added. "Are they always like that?"

"Why do you think we despise them so much?" Lana asked darkly. "They appear out of nowhere and bully us into battle for no reason. They find it... ah... AMUSING."

"So now we have two things to worry about," Sophocles groaned. "Team Rocket and Team Skull."

"Well, you should have seen Team Yell and Team Flare," (Name) told him. "Mostly Team Yell. They dress weird. Team Flare? They have weird uniforms."

"They're in Kalos, now," I reminded (Name). "Team Yell's in Galar."

"I know, but I still like to think of them," (Name) grinned. She's definitely losing her sanity, again. How do I know? I've been with her since the day we were born.

"And that Z-move thing," (Name) added. "What was that?" She pointed at Kiawe's bracelet and crystal.

"It was Inferno Overdrive!" Rotom answered abruptly. "Inferno Overdrive is the fire-type Z-move! Z-moves can be used by the Pokemon that knows the type move of the Z-crystal! You need a Z-ring and crystal to do a Z-move with your Pokemon!"

"Can you explain what Dynamax or Gigantamax is?" Lillie asked. Lana and Mallow nodded in agreement.

Rotom took some time, but he got the answer. "Dynamax is a temporary transformation that a Pokemon uses to distort the space and world around them. Trainers with a Dynamax band can Dynamax their Pokemon. There is another special variant called Gigantamax."

"Yeah, that's the definition," (Name) agreed. Then there's Mega Evolution, which is kind of like Dynamax and Gigantamax."

"Mega Evolution," Rotom began. "Mega Evolution is when a trainer has a Key Stone, and the Pokemon has the right Mega Stone. When they make a special connection or a bond, the Pokemon is able to Mega Evolve. In some cases, there are two versions of a Mega Evolved form. Like Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing, this form is only temporary and can be used once in a battle."

"So, should we head home now?"

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