That's Why Litten's a Scamp!

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(Name), Pikachu, Jason, Eevee, Braixen, Froagdier, and Rotom were running out of the house to the Pokemon School. It was day like any other. Rowlet was sleeping inside of (Name)'s bag, and they were all running to school. Unless (Name) had to use her Sky Suit to go to school very fast.

As they walked a bit more, they encountered a black and red cat like Pokemon. It went over and snuggled (Name).

"That's Litten!" Rotom began. "The Fire Cat Pokemon, a fire type. Litten is a Pokemon that is capable of moving swiftly on its feet."

"It looks hungry," (Name) noticed. She got out her lunchbox and tore a piece of her sandwich. As she handed the sandwich to Litten, Litten stole the entire sandwich.

"Hey, give that back!" (Name) shouted. She grabbed its tail, which ended up with her getting scratched by Litten by the arms.

Pikachu got mad at this scene. It used Thunderbolt to electrocute it, but Litten dodged it. Rotom tried to do its best to catch Litten, too, but it got hit by Pikachu, who was trying to chase after it. Litten ran off with the sandwich as Jason, Braixen, and Frogadier sweatdropped at the scene.

Litten kept running. Humans were so easy to trick if you fake your affection. You steal their food, and they forget about the fact that you stole their food if you keep faking your affection. As it ran down the street, it came across it old enemy.

Persian. Not the regular Persian from Kanto, but it was Alolan. Its grey coat could fake anything like Litten. However, while Litten tried to keep things simple and nice, Persian played dirty.

The grey Persian attacked Litten, causing it to drop the sandwich. Litten tried to hit it back with an Ember, but Persian used the sandwich as a shield.

That was the last straw. Litten had to find some other food. It ran away, while Persian looked for some other preys to bully. The Persian returned to its owner. She pet the Persian. Obviously, she wasn't aware of Persian's real nature.

As (Name) and Jason arrived at the school, she explained what happened to her friends. Jason also explained how his Fennekin and Froakie evolved, too.

"Littten goes asking for food by snuggling people by the leg," Lana recalled. "Remember when we first met it, Mallow?"

"Yeah! It snuggled us by the leg, and when we gave it some food," Mallow remembered, "it just snatched the food away! But don't you think it's cute how it does that?"

"But my sandwich," (Name) grumbled.

"Make another," Kiawe and Jason brushed it away.

"Litten was always alone when we saw it," Lana added.

"That's because Litten don't like being with people, so it's more of a loner," Sophocels replied. "They don't become so attached to their trainers like other Pokemon."

"You're right," Mallow agreed. "It's always alone, but it does come to our family restaurant often."

"It also comes by to the marketplace to get food," Kiawe nodded, "and it takes some food in other places, too."

"But Litten's just too cute to be angry at!" Mallow squealed.

"Whatever! I'm going to make Litten pay!" (Name) burned. Her body was on fire like a Fire type trainer. Her eyes went like an anime person's would- shing.

"But how are you going to do that?" Lillie asked.

That got (Name) for a little bit. She thought about it for some time until she came up with an idea. "Then I'll catch it!"


At the marketplace, much later, as the Pokemon School ended, Litten watched some bystanders. Who were these bystanders? Team Rocket, of course! They were eating some fruit when the last piece went missing.

"Hey, who ate the last piece?" Jessie asked.

"Not me," James said. He turned to Meowth.

"Hey, don't look at me!" it protested. The three looked around as it saw Litten with the last piece of fruit.

"Hey, stealing's not right!" they screamed as they chased Litten. Meowth got ready to attack Litten, but Litten used Ember on Team Rocket, including Meowth. Because there was the open gate, Litten made a run for it.

While (Name), Jason, and Professor Kukui were out to buy some groceries, the list said that they needed to buy a cleaner. As they looked for a cleaner, they saw Litten pass by.

To a regular person, this wouldn't be a big deal, but to (Name) and Pikachu, this was it. She forgot what she was doing, and she began chasing after it. Professor Kukui was pretty surprised at this until Rotom explained what had happened. Jason chased after (Name).

They stopped at a woman's stand where Litten was.

(Name) was about to reprimand Litten, but she was stopped by the elderly woman that owned the stand. She gave Litten an Oran Berry, and it ran off.

"Now, now," the elderly woman soothed. "Please calm down."

Professor Kukui caught up with the twins. He noticed the elderly woman. "Ah! Anela!"

"Professor Kukui, how do you do?" Anela asked calmly.

"Just great, and you?"

"I'm fine, too," she smiled.

"Does Litten come by your stand often?" Jason asked.

"Yes, it does," Anela confirmed. "It's actually a part of Litten's daily routine. I give it some fruit everyday." She looked at (Name). "Now, young lady, did Litten stole some food from you?"

"Well, yeah, that's why I was angry at it and chased it," (Name) answered.

"Just make another one!" Jason lightly tapped her with his fan that he pulled out of, seemingly, nowhere.

"Oh, it's just trying to survive," Anela grinned. "I don't think Litten's a bad Pokemon, personally."

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