Ailbert's computer

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Kunimitsu and Josie quietly snuck into Ailbert's house. They entered through an open window.
"He must've forgotten to close it," Josie whispered.
"Yeah," Kunimitsu whispered back.
They snuck in and looked around. They were in the living room of Ailbert's house.
There wasn't much there, just a television set and some sofas. It was a one story house so they didn't have much of a problem.
They went to what appeared to be the study. There was a laptop on the desk, a full wastepaper basket and some shelves.
Josie took the responsibility of digging in the computer while Kunimitsu checked the shelves and the contents of the wastepaper basket. The shelves were mostly full of story books and old college text books and notebooks. The wastepaper basket on the other hand, was disgusting. It was mostly trash and nothing important.
"Eww he threw a banana peel in here," Kunimitsu said in disgust. "Look at this!"
"Yuck..." Josie replied before going back to the laptop. She decided to check his documents files, his search history and his recycling bin.
"Hey look at this!" Josie suddenly said. "It's an article about John Nelson!"

Sirius Cathedral, Italy- John Nelson, an elite soldier of G Corporation was assassinated on the day of his wedding with Anna Williams, former bodyguard Kazuya Mishima, CEO of G Corporation. Anna seems to be sure that her sweetheart was killed by her sister, Nina Williams, former assassin that now works as the bodyguard for the CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu.
"I'll tear you to pieces, Nina!" Anna shouted as she held the carcass of dead fiancé in her arms.
Anna claims to have seen her older sister run off after killing John, wearing her wedding dress. It appears that Nina not only killed her lover, but also stole her dress.
But there is no evidence suggesting this as there is no proof that Nina Williams was the one that assassinated John Nelson. The police are still investigating the incident.

"I don't think this was ever published," Kunimitsu said, standing beside Josie to read. "Cuz look! There are no dates, nothing."
"So this is an unofficial article," Josie quipped. "Alright, lets dig deeper."
There was another article. This one was about Joseph Nelson. It was never published too.
"I think the paper that he worked for rejected this too," Kunimitsu concluded. "That must be the case."
"Yeah," said Josie. "Lets see if he has his diary in here."
She dug his files and gave a sequel of joy.
"Look at this!" Josie said. "This was last week!"

Dear Diary,
Okay so I finally moved here to Tokyo now. The house isn't so great, but it's still comfortable enough. I arrived here quite late. It's so tiring...
When I was moving in, I think I saw Kazuya and a woman. I think she's his sister. She looked kinda like him.
They came to visit the family that lived across the street. They didn't spend much time though, they just came, spoke and went home with a bamboo... thingy...
But Kazuya looks much different now. He has fringe and for some reason his face looks different. Is it really Kazuya? I'm not really sure, to be honest. I think it is, it looked like him; that pointy hair, thick eyebrows and the way he held himself looked like Kazuya, but he kinda seemed different.

"Something tells me that it was actually Jin that he saw," Kunimitsu said, reading it next to Josie. "Yep it definitely is. Kazuya with fringe means Jin. And he also mentioned that woman looked like him. It must be Mrs Kazama or Amber."
"Yeah probably," said Josie, digging for more. "Wait, there's more."

Dear Diary,
I moved into Tokyo only a few days ago and I already saw someone I'm not supposed to see.
I saw Kazuya Mishima and his family. They came to visit a friend that lived in the house in front of mine. Gosh, it's a small world.
Turns out the man and the woman I saw the other day was Kazuya's son and his aunt, as in Kazuya's wife's sister. But gosh, his son really looks like him, especially his hair and eyebrows.
Oh yeah and they caught me staring.
Kazuya's wife and her sister suddenly confronted me. I panicked when they came and were like 'alright, why were you staring at us.'
Didn't know how to answer and just said I was reading a newspaper. But to my dismay, I was holding it upside down...
Oh great...
Well, at least it's the Mishimas and not the bad guys, right?

"This is interesting..." Kunimitsu said, reading it as Josie was taking a picture. "Send them to Jin."
"Way ahead of you," Josie said, smirking at her phone. "It's all done."
"This is confusing," Kunimitsu said. "Who exactly is he? He seems sketchy, but at the same time... not..."
"That's the thing," said Josie, scrolling through the PC. "Wait wait. I thought I saw the word Nelson..."
She scrolled up and found it. But before they could start reading the passage, they heard footsteps.
"Haih... I need to send that article by tomorrow..." they heard Ailbert mutter outside the study.
They heard the doorknob rattling, followed by a confused 'huh?'
Then they heard him walking away.
They quickly closed everything and turned the laptop off. They were thinking of a way to escape when they heard Ailbert's footsteps approach the study again, followed by a jingle of keys.
He was trying the keys one by one. It was a good thing he didn't label them.
Kunimitsu spotted a window. She quickly motioned Josie to come along.
Josie scrambled to her feet and climbed out of the window that Kunimitsu opened. Kunimitsu helped her out and climbed out just in time.
Ailbert found the right key and came in just as Kunimitsu shut the window.
Ailbert went and sat on his desk and turned his laptop on. To his surprise, his laptop felt warm.
"Did I not shut it down properly?" Ailbert thought as he felt it. "Hmm... it feels warm... oh well, lets finish this article."
Kunimitsu and Josie wanted to go back in their bike, but they saw someone waving at them from the house across the street.
It was Xiaoyu. She leaned out of her window and beckoned them to come there. The nodded and climbed the fence. Xiaoyu disappeared for a moment and came back with a rope ladder. She let it down for them to climb.

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