The escape

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"Oh no, it's the guards!" Shasha said in panic. "They're here for their daily rounds!"
She started panicking and muttering consequences if she gets caught.
"Hey relax!" Anna said, trying to calm her down. "We have turn the lights off first!"
She ran and turned the lights off. Shasha was still panicking.
"Oh what do I do?" She kept saying. "If they catch me, I'm dead! What would I say to my mother? What is my family gonna think?! Shasha has gone to study abroad and ends up in a Japanese prison? Oh I have big dream! I wanna get a Mustang!"
"Seriously?" Anna said, amused. "Okay, we're gonna get out of here in one peace okay? We can escape."
"We just wait here until those guards leave."
"But they would never leave!"
"What do you mean?"
"They will go round and round here and then end up playing video games in the computers!"
"They're so lame..." Anna said, annoyed. "Wait. I've got an idea!'
She ran to the adjoining unused computer room and pulled off the the cloth that covered the computers and ran back to the data room.
"Here, put this on," said Anna, shoving the blanket at Shasha.
She then pulled Shasha's scrunchie off and messed up her hair.
"Hey what are you doing?!" Shasha asked, trying not to shout. "What are you trying to do?!"
"Okay, listen carefully," said Anna. "You put this on and go crawling around in that hallway. Make sure your hair completely covers your face. You got that?"
"Just go!" Anna said, pushing her off. "I'll wait here, making weird noises. Because no one has ever heard of a short-haired ghost, especially in Japan? Also, I need to wait for this thing to finish copying. Or else, it's gonna get corrupted."
"Wait, you want me to do a ghost show and scare them off?" Shasha asked in shock. "Are you serious?"
"It's the only way to ward them off, without harming them!" Anna said. "You need to go. And when they're gone, come back here, I'll put this cloth thing back and we can escape!"
Reluctantly, Shasha wore the white sheet and went crawling out into the hallway. She crawled towards where the guards were while Anna made weird noises while waiting for the computer. The guards started screaming something she didn't really understand what because it kinda sounded like whimpers.
They started running out of the building in top speed. Shasha ran to see what's going on outside through the window and saw them running out. One of them even jumped off the fence the same way they got in.
"It actually worked," Shasha thought before running back to Anna.
They quickly put the white sheet back in the unused computer room and left the computer rooms. The files were done copying and they made sure that they left nothing behind, including strands off hair from the scrunchie.
They ran out of the school and found the guard still unconscious in the guardhouse.
They made a run for it and jumped onto Anna's bike and sped off into the night. They had to make a u-turn and on the way, they saw the guards sheepishly going back to the school.
"It's a good thing we made a run for it," said Anna. "They got over it and are going back to investigate!"
"I had no idea what I just did," said Shasha. "Thinking about it gives me goosebumps! My heart was beating like a drum with all this excitement!"
"That's how I felt on my first mission," Anna said, riding her bike with a laugh. "The excitement even made my stomach turn! But don't worry, you'll get used to it."
"I hope..."
They rode back to Nina's mansion, where the others were waiting. The Mishima family were there too.
"Did you get anything?" Jin asked as soon as they entered. "Did you get any clues?"
"No, but we know where to find them now," said Anna, showing them the thumb drive. "Read it yourself."
She threw the drive at Kazuya who was eagerly waiting for an answer next to Jin.
"What happened to your hair?" Jun asked, going towards Shasha. "I sense you two had an adventure?"
"We did," said Shasha. "We so did!"
They explained the 'ghost' incident to them and they started laughing at their story.
"That's one way to use your strong presence," said Jun. "I should do that too if my cover gets blown!"
They read the data in Nina's study and were satisfied to find that their friends, Lei and Bryan were involved.
"We'll meet them tomorrow," said Jun. "Nina, can you come with me?"
"Sure," said Nina. "Then what about Lei?"
Steve cleared his throat.
"Okay never mind," said Nina. "You should go."
"Why don't we all go?" Steve asked. "Lei is always binging his favourite food at Law's restaurant."
"Good idea," said Adam. "So Chinese food for lunch tomorrow?"
"What about breakfast?" Lars asked. "We can go there first thing in the morning. The earlier the better."
"Law only opens his shop from lunchtime onwards," said Steve. "He doesn't serve breakfast."
"Alright then we should all go," said Jun. "But I think we should go separately. Like you guys go first and we come later?"
"Sure," said Nina. "It's gonna be fun."
"And Jun, Amber, I suggest we leave the interrogations to the guys," said Anna. "They would take forever, especially Steve."
"And Adam," said Nina. "Steve had to drag him out of the shop to stop him from doing stupid things..."
"Fine, I'll try," said Adam. "But come on, I need that rematch! Especially since I've been training."
"You keep Law busy with that," said Kazuya. "We can talk to Lei in the meantime."
"Good idea," said Steve. "Law doesn't get much customers during lunchtime, especially on weekends. But it's full house during dinnertime."
So it was settled. They would go to Marshall China f0r lunch the next day.
"It's getting late, I think we should go home," said Jin, getting up. "It's a long drive."
"Why don't you guys stay here for the night?" Nina suggested. "You know I have extra rooms right? And I also know that each of you have an overnight bag in the car."
They spent the night in Nina's mansion. It was kinda like their second home. Well, third home technically. Their second home is Lee's mansion. They sometimes go there during the weekends to spy on people like Eddy, Christie, Tiger, and even Kunimitsu. They decided to keep an eye on her in case she decides to do something else.
They also noticed that she was starting to spy on Eddy and Christie more too, which was not surprising because she informed them about it.

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