Nina eavesdrops

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Nina POV
I lied to them that I'm sleepy and waited for them to close the dining room door. As soon as they closed it, I stood in front of it, trying to listen into their conversation.
What are they saying? I don't believe that none of them remembers my birthday, especially Anna. She isn't the forgetful type. She's the kind that would remember everyone's birthdays, and Adam... he knows my birthday. He isn't the kind to easily forget things once he knew something.
I pressed my ear against the door to hear what they were saying. All I heard was murmurs. Then suddenly I heard something.
"Ooh ohh!" I heard Shasha shout. "I know! We'll *inaudible* and then that! Yeah!"
This isn't getting me anywhere. I should do something.
That's when I remembered that I left my super sensitive eavesdropping microphone that could even pick up a whisper from ten meters away in my study! I went and got it. I put it on to listen into their conversation. But to my dismay, all I could hear was the sound of their cutlery and... chewing.
I continued standing there, before I heard Adam say something.
"I think I should go and change," I heard Adam say. "I still haven't changed from the date. I've been wearing this for hours..."
"Yeah and you stink," said Steve. "Might as well take a shower too."
"Hey!" said Adam, his voice getting louder. "I took a bath right before leaving okay?"
Everyone started laughing, and before I knew it, Adam opened the door and bumped right into me.
"Hey Nina," said Adam. "What're ya doing so close to the door?"
"I just wanted to... get some water from the kitchen," I said. "I wanted to open the door, and then you came out..."
"Right..." said Adam and nodded.
Adam POV
As if I believe that she just wanted to get water. Like, as if I didn't see that BIG sensitive microphone thingy in her right ear. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see it.
She walked past me and went to the kitchen, walking through the dining room. Everyone looked at her in surprise as she walked by.
I peeked into the dining room and grinned at them. They shrugged back and continued to eat. It was a good thing we closed the door and spoke in extra low voices. Also, we didn't really talk much about the party in the past five minutes.
I went to my room and changed out of my casual clothes. I wore a shirt and some  knee shorts and shoved the clothes into the laundry basket, in front of the bathroom. I went down and saw Nina, watching tv. I decided to join her.
"Who watches tv with earbuds?" I asked.
"Huh?" Nina asked, with a surprised look on her face. "What do you mean?"
I pointed to my ear, indicating the thing plugged into her ear. She finally realised and pulled them out.
"Oh you mean this?" she said, holding it up. "I just put them on, in case I got a call."
"Right..." I said and continued to watch the tv.
She thinks I don't know about her high tech gizmos? Well that's where she's wrong, because I have one of those too. We all do, thanks to the Mishima Zaibatsu.
We just goofed around the whole day, and soon, it was time to sleep. I went to bed, groaning at the thought of the weekend coming to an end.
The next morning, we all woke up to go to work.
Third Person POV
All of them sat together and had their breakfast. Nina still eyed them suspiciously, and they were aware of it. They hoped that she didn't actually hear their conversation, but as we know, she doesn't know a thing about what they were talking about the day before.
Soon, they all went to work in Adam's car after leaving Shasha at her detective training school. Anna followed them to work too since Lee had some business with Jin for the day.
Shasha walked into her class and sat herself next to her friend, Ella. Ella's real name is actually Hikari Hitohara. She calls herself Ella, because it means the same as her name; light. Ella's father owns one of the biggest advertising companies in all of Japan.
Despite being rich, she was a nice and modest girl. She doesn't even show that she comes from a rich family.
"So how was your weekend?" Ella asked as Shasha sat down on the chair. "I went to an amusement park. How about you?"
"Shopping," said Shasha. "Shopping for Nina's birthday. Man, that was a handful. She kept walking in on us when were were planning for her birthday! She even tried eavesdropping. Oh I hope she didn't hear anything..."
"She kinda reminds me of my mom," said Ella with a giggle. "She does that to us too. Whenever my sister and I are trying to wrap her gift or make her a card, she always shows up, grinning at us slyly."
"Oh my gosh, my mom does that too!" Shasha said. "It's such a pain! I usually do it when she's at work, so that she wouldn't notice our plan."
"Yeah same," said Ella. "Anyway, when's her birthday anyway?"
"This Friday," said Shasha. "We'll do it in the Mishima Zaibatsu Grand Dining Hall. It's amazing! You should come too!"
"I think I will," said Ella. "Provided that she doesn't scream when she sees me."
"Oh yeah," said Shasha, giggling as she remembered how she and Anna screamed and ran out of the kitchen when they saw Ella. "I don't think she will."
Ella started laughing too. Soon, their teacher arrived.
"Today, I'll be giving you a new assignment," said the teacher. "This time, I'll give you some practical work. You will be investigating a crime scene. It's not a real one, but you have to collect evidences. Now, get into pairs, and we'll go there right now."
The students got up and followed the teacher into a the hallway. She assigned each pair to a room.
"Penelope, Ash, into that room," said the teacher, pointing to a room. "Bobby and Daniel, that one. Shasha and Ella, that room..."
Shasha and Ella went into the room that she pointed to. Shasha opened the door and it was a mess.
"Well..." said Shasha. "Looks like it's finding a needle in a haystack..."
"Yep," said Ella. "Come on, now. I'm sure there's at least ten clues in here."
They searched and searched. They found lots of stuff that could count as evidence like fibre samples, hair samples, scraps of paper, foot prints, soil, and of course, fingerprint samples.
They packed all of the stuff that they found into ziplock evidence bags. Soon, the time was up and they went back to their classroom to show what they have found.

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