Mission at Marshall China

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The next day, they woke up and had breakfast together. Kazuya bought breakfast for everyone.
"So lunch at Marshall China?" Anna asked during breakfast. "Well, it's been a while..."
"Yeah I bet Marshall is waiting for our next visit," said Steve. "We're his best customers!"
"He owes me a rematch!" Adam declared. "Right guys?"
"Why don't you just go to his dojo?" Nina asked. "It's right across the restaurant!"
"Could you have a match with Forest too?" Jin asked suddenly. "You might be able to distract the Laws while we have our interrogation."
"Good idea too," said Lars. "Who knows what Law would do if he sees us in the restaurant for so long!"
"See my plan is good!" Adam said triumphantly. "I'll distract them nicely, don't worry."
"Well, for once you have a good plan," said Nina. "For once..."
"Hey I had plenty of good plans before okay?" Adam protested. "Like, just count my good plans?"
"Does the one in Yakushima count?" Kazuya said smugly. "That one looked a lot like a miserable failure..."
"But at least it worked out in the end," said Adam. "If it wasn't for that incident, we wouldn't be together now!"
"Well, it could've gone better right?" Jin said. "Like you could've skipped cleaning the pool..."
"Fine, whatever," said Adam, defeated.
For lunch, they went to Marshall China for lunch. Nina and her gang would go first, followed by the Mishimas.
They went in first and were warmly greeted by their Chinese friend and his son. They were the only customers there.
"I guess I spoke too soon," said Steve. "He's not here..."
"Well at least we can have lunch," said Adam. "That's good too."
"So you were planning to have two birds with one stone?" Nina asked. "Well now we're gonna only get one."
"Nope," said Shasha. "We're gonna get two. Look!"
She pointed towards the entrance and the others looked to see Lei walk in. The Mishimas were walking in behind him.
The Mishimas walked past Lei and went to sit at a table while Lei stood at the entrance as if waiting for someone.
Just then, Bryan walked in too. He and Lei came in together and sat at a table.
"Make that three birds with one stone," Anna said with a laugh. "Bryan's here too."
"All the more easier," said Nina. "Bet the Mishimas are happy too."
Steve turned around to see Jin smirking back. He nodded at Steve.
"You bet they are," said Steve, turning back to the others. "So we're interrogating him after lunch?"
"Yep," said Anna. "You guys are gonna do it. Course you're their best friends..."
Marshall was running around to take their orders. He was surprised to see the Mishimas there but greeted them warmly all the same.
"So I guess the rumours were true then," Forest said, going to them to take their order. "You guys have reunited. Congratulations!"
"Thanks," said Kazuya. "Anyway, where's the menu?"
"Here," Forest said, giving out the menu. "We finally printed English and Japanese versions of the menu."
They ordered food and had their lunch. Lei and Bryan were glad to have a good lunch after theirs half day of work, especially Bryan. He had a hard time choosing a place to have lunch so Lei just brought him here.
"Come on, I'll bring you somewhere that serves good food," said Lei. "How does Chinese food sound?"
"Sure, it sounds good," said Bryan. "I like Chinese food."
So here they were. Bryan had become Lei's working partner because he had also become a cop just like before.
"Alright, we're done, so let's go," said Anna. "Or do you guys wanna stay here?"
"Does it look like we wanna stay here?" Shasha said, getting up. "Come on. Who knows how long the guys are gonna take!"
They got up to leave and Amber followed.
"Jun insists that she stayed here," said Amber. "She said she wanna watch what happens."
"She's gonna regret," said Nina. "Probably Jin and Kazuya too..."
"You better tell them where we are," Shasha said with a giggle. "They might wanna take cover too."
They left and decided to hang around in their usual smoothie bar.
"This, my friend, is our usual hang out spot," said Nina. "We just sit here with smoothies until our friends decide to finally leave Marshall China."
"Something tells me this isn't the first time you guys have gone through this," said Amber. "Oh well, luckily there's a convenient spot for us here."
"Just you wait, Jun will come running here too," said Anna. "Probably Jin too..."
They sat down drinking their smoothies when Jun and Jin walked in with an annoyed look and joined them.
"So I guess they have started their nonsense?" Nina asked, amused at their reaction.
Jin nodded.
"I can't believe that Steve's my age," said Jin. "And even worse, I can't believe that our fathers have joined them..."
"You mean Kazuya has joined them too?!" Anna asked, shocked.
The Kazamas nodded regretfully.
"He's joined them too," said Jun. "I dunno if I should be happy that my husband has become more lighthearted or be disappointed if he's doing nonsensical stuff with the Laws..."
"Have they started their interrogation?" Shasha asked. "I mean, that's why we're here right?"
"They kinda are," said Jin. "Steve said that he wanted to get it out of them with a casual conversation."
"Yeah and your fiancé, Nina, is having a rematch with Law," said Jun. "He says it's a long awaited match?"
"Yeah," said Nina. "Wonder how that's gonna turn out..."
"But a good thing too," said Anna. "He's keeping the Laws busy while Steve is interrogating those cops."
"What about Kazuya?" Nina asked. "What is he doing?"
"He's just watching them," said Jun. "But he told me that he was gonna try befriend Bryan and ask him."
"Yeah and Steve's tackling Lei," said Jin. "Let's just hope they succeed..."
"I sense that they will," said Jun. "They will come with good news, just you see."
"No! Why did you give us a spoiler?" Shasha asked. "It would've been fun to see the consequences!"
"Well you wanna watch the consequences of leaving them alone with the Laws?" Anna asked.
"Nope," said Shasha. "I rather stay here with my smoothie. Darn, it's almost done. I wanna go order another."
"Me too..." said Nina.
"Me three," said Amber.
"Me four," said Anna.
"Me five," said Jun. "Let's all go. The talk made me thirsty..."
They ordered more drinks and sat down, waiting for the guys. They seemed to take forever. Well, it wasn't a surprise because plenty was going on there...

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