Lars's birthday!

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The others finally arrived. Anna and Steve were surprised to see them arrive with cake.
"Did you guys go for a party or something?" Steve asked. "And you guys are so late!"
"Yeah because it's Lars's birthday," said Adam. "The Tekken Force bought him a large cake to have a small celebration. Couldn't miss the cake now, could we?"
"Wait what?" Steve asked, shock. "Why didn't anyone tell me? And I missed the cake!"
"Don't worry, we saved you some," Nina said, giving him a covered paper plate. "We aren't that cruel."
"Thanks," Steve said, taking the plate. "By the way, I bought us lunch."
"Hey what about me?" Anna asked. "No cake for me? And you, how come you knew about the party but I didn't?"
"That's because I actually remembered," said Shasha. "The other girls even bought a bike for him. Also Steve, some of that cake is for Anna too..."
"Whoa they bought him a bike?" Hwoarang asked. "Can I see?"
"They're only gonna give it to Lars tonight," said Shasha. "By the way, the Mishimas invited us to their secret party. It's a surprise for Lars. The Alisas are keeping him busy while they decorate."
"Yes and we're leaving early," said Nina. "So that Lars doesn't see us."
"It's super secret by the way," said Adam. "We're the only ones invited, and a few more friends."
"What about me?" Hwoarang asked. "Am I invited too?"
"Of course you are," said Steve. "You're one of Jin's best friends, and Lars's too. Of course you'd get invited."
"Oh yeah," said Hwoarang, holding his phone getting up to throw the burger wrapper away. "Jin texted me about it. Anyway, what are you guys planning to get for Lars?"
"Yeah about that..." Adam said, scratching his head. "We didn't actually get him anything..."
"This is bad," said Anna. "I think we can just get him a last minute gift from all of us?"
"I think we can get him some fishing supplies," said Nina. "He sometimes goes fishing with Noctis."
"Yeah and I heard him talking about getting a new one only yesterday," said Adam. "So I guess it's best we chip in and buy one for him."
"What about you, Hwo?" Steve asked. "What are you gonna get him?"
"I'll just give him one of my helmets," said Hwoarang. "I recently bought one and I got it in the wrong colour, so I guess I can give him that. They said it was non-refundable and I was planning to sell it anyway."
"Why are you always so prepared?" Steve asked, annoyed. "Like are you prepared for an apocalypse or something?"
"Maybe," Hwoarang said smugly. "Nah I just have backup."
"Wait till I tell Master Baek," said Steve. "I'll snitch on you for fooling around in a business suit."
"Well go ahead," said Hwoarang. "I'm prepared to do those push-ups."
Steve was about to catch him but Hwoarang ran away to the kitchen, laughing. The others were laughing too.
"Okay, let's have our lunch," said Steve. "I'm starving! I've been waiting for you guys to come so that we could eat together."
"Why didn't you just eat?" Adam asked. "You must be hungry after that mission."
"I just wanted to eat with you guys," said Steve, getting up and going to the dining hall. "Also dad, that's for that fix up kit, as you call it. But what's the deal with that stress ball?"
"Just in case, you know," Adam said with a shrug. "But something tells me that your Spanish friend of yours might need it..."
"I'm gonna keep the money," said Steve, sitting down on the dining chair with the others.. "You're the one that gave it to me."
"Go ahead, keep it," said Adam. "Keep the trail mix. Tell me if you finish it because that Spaniard looks like he might need one too."
"You bet he does," Hwoarang said, walking into the dining hall. "He... uh... he's unruly..."
"What he means is Miguel is worse than him," said Nina. "Also, Adam, ever thought of showing all that care to me?"
"Wait what?" Adam asked, shocked. "Are you telling me that you never realised that emergency kit in the front zip of your bag?"
"Wait you left me an emergency kit too?" Nina asked in shock. "Aww... I didn't know! Did you realise that I put a gun in your bag just in case?"
"A gun?!" Adam asked in surprise. "No way!"
"Yeah she gave me one too," said Steve, unwrapping his burger. "She left it with a note. So thoughtful."
"So I guess we're the only ones that can't relate, right Shasha?" Anna said. "Well, anyway, you guys make a nice family."
They had their lunch and started getting ready for Lars's birthday party. Hwoarang went back to his home to get ready too. They stopped at the tackle supplies shop and bought a nice tackle box.
"Let's just hope that Noctis got him something else," said Shasha. "They are fishing buddies after all."
"Nah he said he's giving him a sword," said Steve, looking at his phone. "I just texted him."
"You have his number?" Anna asked, surprised. "Have you even met him?"
"Well, yeah," said Steve. "We hang out when we're free."
"Dude, you have friends everywhere," said Shasha. "I think if you came to my country, I wouldn't be surprised if you had friends there too, even if you have never been there..."
"I dunno, maybe I do," said Steve, smirking. "Well I guess it's popularity."
"It's like you're a magnet, and everyone just wants to be your friend," said Shasha. "My friend once told me the same thing, but I'm not sure if it's entirely true."
"Well, it is," said Anna. "How do you think you became best friends with the Silent Assassin?"
"Is that what they called you Nina?" Adam asked, driving. "So does that mean I'm the Silent Assassin's fiancé? Wow I'm honoured to drive her car now. You must be well known!"
"Will you guys quit it?" Nina said, trying to adjust her feet to the new shoes. "Anna how do you fight with stilettos? Also, that magnet part is 100% true. I never knew I could grow so close to someone in such a short time."
"Whoa..." Shasha said in surprise. "Guess that's my secret power! It will come in handy if I'm interrogating someone."
They arrived at the Mishima Zaibatsu's building and went up to the Mishimas' penthouse.
They went in and found the others already there. Lars wasn't there yet and they were bringing in yet another cake and food.
"Are the Alisas still distracting Lars?" Nina asked, helping them.
"Yes they are," said Jin. "They will bring him in like fifteen minutes."
"So we're waiting for the birthday boy," said Anna. "This should be good."
"Oh and by the way," said Jin. "I want you guys to stay over after the party. We need to discuss the stuff."
"It's a good thing I brought a change of clothes," said Hwoarang. "Oh and I brought the clues too."
"Seriously?" Steve asked. "Well, Jin already texted me about it so I brought mine too. I didn't really bring the clothes because why?"
"Okay so the plan now is Lars will come home and not know anything about us," said Kazuya. "You guys please, keep quiet, extra quiet. He will just walk into his room and take a shower and change."
"Only, he will have no clothes to change into," said Jun. "We hid all of them in Jin's room!"
"But still he has something to wear," said Jin. "It's the new suit we bought for his birthday!"
"Yeah and we all know that as soon as he finishes changing, the first thing he does is go to the kitchen," said Amber. "He can't go to the kitchen without passing here, so when he comes in, SURPRISE!"
"Brilliant plan," said Nina. "Was it your idea, Kazuya?"
"No it wasn't," said Lee. "It was my excellent idea!"

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