The torture

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Miguel POV
I had already told Maria about the disguise I had to do. I was hoping I could get away with it, but NOPE. They somehow remembered about it and they're torturing me now...
And Maria is torturing me too...
"Hermano, don't forget to wake up early tomorrow!" Maria said, coming to my room. "We need time to dress you up!"
I inwardly groaned but nodded. She was really excited to help me with the disguise that I felt bad to show my disappointment.
"Sure, Maria," I said with a smile. "I'll wake up a few hours earlier."
"Yay!" Maria said, hugging me. "I can't wait to help you with the disguise!"
She went back to her room and I decided to call it a night, especially since Maria wants me awake early next morning.
I set my alarm earlier than I usually wake up. I have no idea how this is gonna turn out...
I fell asleep after an hour or so of rolling around in bed. I had a dream that I couldn't even remember. It was just like random bits and pieces that made no sense.
I slept well that night, until...
"Hermano, wake up!"
I woke up with a jump and looked around. My eyes hurt because the room was so bright. Maria sitting down on the edge of my bed. She was holding something that looked like my best looking suit.
"Why so early?" I asked, my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light. "What time is it?"
"It's five a.m. now," Maria said. "Come on, go! Go take a shower!"
She pulled me off the bed and pushed me towards the bathroom.
"Here, wear this!" She shouted, throwing something that hit me in the face. "Oops, sorry Hermano. Take a shower and wear that. I'll wait outside.'
I took whatever it was that she threw at me and looked at it. It was my best looking suit. I sleepily nodded and entered the bathroom. I did as she said and wore the suit. I went back to the room, my hair still slightly wet. I grabbed the towel and opened dyne room door to see Maria waiting right in outside the door.
"You look amazing, Hermano!" Maria said cheerfully, pulling me back into the room. "You look like a business man!"
She made me sit on the bed and pulled my desk chair in front of me. She then took out a large briefcase.
"Whoa what's with the briefcase?" I asked. "You don't expect me to bring that, do you?"
"Pfft of course not," she said, opening it and revealing its contents. "This is my 'Hermano disguise kit'! It has everything I need for your disguise!"
Oh great. Wonder how that's gonna end...
She took out a hairdryer and started torturing me with it.
"Ouch!" I screamed in pain. "MARIA! You've been holding it in the same spot for way too long!"
"Well yeah," said Maria, still holding it on the same spot. "That spot just doesn't wanna dry!"
Well, you can imagine what happened the next ten agonising minutes. I came this close to smashing that hairdryer a thousand times, but I managed to resist somehow.
"Okay now your hair's dry," Maria said, finally turning that thing off and putting it back inside the briefcase. "Now, to brush your hair."
And that was even worse than the hairdryer.
"Hold still!" Maria shouted, trying to brush my unruly hair. "It's not gonna be over until you sit down!"
She brushed my hair and honestly that was the most PAINFUL brush I've ever seen in my life. The bristles felt like needles against my skull!
My screams could've been heard from miles away.
"Maria, please!" I said in pain. "This hairbrush is so painful! I have a comb on the table, in front of the mirror. Please, just use that."
"Okay I will," said Maria and went to get my comb. "I must've been rough with that brush, huh? Sorry, Hermano..."
"It's okay," I said. "But how do you actually use that comb? It's so sharp!"
"I find it exfoliating," Maria said, coming back with my comb. "It helps me relax."
Girls are so weird sometimes...
She combed my hair and tried to make it stay down but it never obeyed.
"You wanna wear a hairband?" Maria asked and I immediately shook my head. "Well, hair isn't sitting down. Maybe we should use some hairspray or mousse?"
I shook my head. "No, that won't do. It'll make my hair stick out like... a branch or something..."
"Yeah that's the thing," said Maria. "How about hair clips?"
"Maybe you can try tying it?" I said. "It might work."
"Yeah that's what I'm gonna do," said Maria, whipping out a rubber band. "This might hurt when you wanna remove it so I suggest just cutting it later."
She tied my hair but some of it still stuck out at the front.
"Wait let me try to gel it up," said Maria, taking out some hair gel from the suitcase. "Wait... no. It would look too stiff. How about pomade?"
She took out another container and started styling my hair. After that she gave me a mirror. My hair looked good and I guess I look different?
"You look amazing!" Maria said. "But there's something missing..."
She started studying my face and then got an idea. She went back to the suitcase and took out a pair of glasses. She seems to have everything in there.
"Here wear this," she said, handing it to me. "You'll look different with it."
I wore it and I did look a little different. Maria hugged me.
"Okay now you better call the others," said Maria. "Or better yet, surprise them."
"Now that sounds good," I said. "Hwoarang said they're meeting up in Steve's place. So I guess I'm going there then."
"Good luck!" Maria said, hugging me. "Call me when you're done, okay?"
"I will," I said. "I hope it goes well."
"Oh don't worry, it will," Maria said reassuringly. "We can go out for coffee later."
I said goodbye to her and jumped into my car. It was still early but who cares? It can be an early morning surprise for them.
I started the car and drove to Steve's place. It was quite far but it would be worth it.
I parked the car a few hundred metres away and walked to Steve's place. The gates were still locked, but who cares? I'm just gonna climb the gate.
I did and went up the driveway. I straightened myself up and rang the doorbell. No answer. I'm guessing they're still asleep.
I rang it again. I mean I just continuously pressed the doorbell until someone answered.

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