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So the next day, Kunimitsu went to work at G Corp, as a cleaner. But before that, Anna and Shasha had come to give her makeup tips.
"Wait you're using the wrong shade..." said Anna, fixing her makeup. You should use a slightly pinker shade. This one's too pale. Here, try this instead."
"I feel like you should also conceal that mole," said Shasha. "Kazuya might be able to identify you with that."
"Yeah that's true too," said Kunimitsu, following their makeup instructions. "It's one of my main icons."
"Wait let me try and choose something for you to wear," said Shasha, rummaging in her wardrobe. "Oh no... most of your stuff is either ninja gear, or expensive branded clothing. Now I know what you do with stolen loot!"
"Yeah I buy some really materialistic outfits with the cash..." said Kunimitsu. "And I buy alcohol."
"Why do I feel like someone needs to spy on you to make sure that you are spying on Tiger instead of drinking in a bar?" Shasha said in dismay. "Anna, can you try and choose something for her? I can't find anything that matches with her cleaner persona..."
"Wait let me see," said Anna, going towards Kunimitsu's cupboard to have a look. "Oh gosh, you're right, Shasha. Mostly expensive stuff!"
"So what should I do?" Kunimitsu asked. "I can't go and get some stuff now..."
"Wait I've got it!" Shasha exclaimed suddenly. "Where's your ninja outfit?"
"My shozoku?" Kunimitsu asked, confused. "Why? I can't wear that..."
"We can improvise," said Shasha. "Come on, take it out."
So she made Kunimitsu wear a shirt inside, wear the shozoku top like a coat and wear a pair of slacks.
"There you go," said Shasha. "Now it doesn't look as expensive."
"You sure this would work?" Kunimitsu asked, looking at herself in the mirror.
"Of course it will," said Shasha. "What do you think, Anna?"
"It looks okay, but..." said Anna, looking at Kunimitsu's outfit. "Your hair..."
"That's okay, I'll just wear a bun," said Kunimitsu, undoing her two ponytails. "It would look better that way."
So she wore her hair in a bun behind her head.
"Alright let's go," said Anna. "You look good, fit to be a cleaner. So I guess the disguise worked."
"It's a good thing you don't need one tomorrow," said Shasha. "Because today, you'll get the uniform. So you can just wear that instead."
So the three of them hopped into Lars's Danver and rode to their workplaces.
"Remember, don't be too obvious," said Lars. "Or else we'll kick you out of the apartment."
"I will do good, I promise," said Kunimitsu with a node while getting out of the car. "I won't let you down."
She walked into the G Corp building and went to the top floor where she would work as a cleaner. She met the supervisor, Keishi Akiyama, and he gave her the cleaning equipment and uniform without hesitation.
"Mr Mishima's wife told me everything," Keishi said when she came in. "Here, take this uniform, and cleaning supplies. But be sure to not act suspicious in front of him. Okay?"
"Okay," said Kunimitsu with a nod. "Where's the changing room?"
"It's over there," said Keishi, pointing to the right. "Good luck on your mission, you can start right away."
Kunimitsu nodded and changed into the uniform. She came out and went to the corridor where Kazuya's office was. Tiger's office was there too. She pretended to sweep the floor when Tiger came out of his office and entered Kazuya's office.
She quickly sneaked towards Kazuya's office and eavesdropped on their conversation. Turns out that Tiger just wanted to see him because of some paperwork.
When Tiger walked out, she quickly grabbed the mop and started mopping the floor. Tiger saw her and nodded before entering his office.
The day went on, and it was very uneventful. When it was break time, she called Jin and told him about how uneventful the day was. She was having a light meal while she phoned Jin.
"Just keep an eye on him," said Jin. "It's only your first day, and also only half of it has gone by. You still have the rest of the day. Keep an eye on Tiger mainly when dad's not in his office.
"Okay I will," she said. "Wait so now's break. Does that mean that Master Kazuya is not at his desk?"
"No," Jin said blandly. "He doesn't go for breaks. Mom will come directly to his office and deliver him snacks."
"Kazama-san is a very good wife..." Kunimitsu said. "So she'll come later?"
"Yeah she will," said Jin. "Mom said that she has found the office empty most of the time. Only sometimes he's there."
"Got it," said Kunimitsu. "I'll try and catch him then."
"No no you don't have to catch him," said Jin. "All you have to do is see what he's doing. Got it?"
But all he got was a chomp in reply, which surprised Jin very much.
"Are you eating something?" Jin asked to which he received a hum in reply. "Oh no wonder you're replying a little slow. And that's why the line seems choppy! Turns out it was just the sound of you chewing..."
"Yes it is," said Kunimitsu. "It's break time for me, remember?"
"Yeah I forgot about it," said Jin. "Wait... are you keeping an eye on him?"
"Yes I have him within my sight," said Kunimitsu, looking at Tiger. "He's not easy to miss, you know. With that outfit, he can be seen from a mile away..."
"Yeah that's true too," Jin agreed. "You can even spot him in a crowd like that..."
"Oh wait he's leaving," said Kunimitsu, getting up and throwing her food wrappers away into the bin. "I'll call you back later, Mr Kazama."
She hung up and followed Tiger. He entered his office. She used her ninpo and entered too, without Tiger's knowledge. She made herself invisible.
He called someone.
"Hey what's up man!" Tiger said. "Yeah I'm at work. It's still break now, but I'm at my office. Yeah this place is pretty secure, don't worry."
He paused for a moment as the person at the other end was speaking.
"Nah I haven't found anything yet, man," said Tiger. "I almost did, but that Kazama lady came in and ruined everything..."
'So that's who sent him here huh...' Kunimitsu thought. 'Gotta find out who it is...'
"I'll meet you later okay?" Tiger said. "Yeah in the club. Yeah the Groovy Boozy Club. Why? You don't like the seventies? Well if you wanna meet me, you have to come there. Say about seven- seven thirty?"
'This guy's twisted...' Kunimitsu thought. 'Now why is he so obsessed with the seventies?'
He hung up and smiled.
"Time to party tonight yo!" He exclaimed while dancing around the room.
He stopped in front of the window and continued to dance. Kunimitsu took this as an opportunity and silently left the room with her ninpo. She teleported herself outside just as Jun came to deliver snacks to Kazuya.

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