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"So how much have you decoded?" Nina asked, watching Shasha decode the journal. "Looks like you've done a lot."
"Yes I have," said Shasha. "I'm almost done actually. There're many clues in here."
"What does it say?" Anna asked, leaning forward. "Anything interesting?"
"Take a look," Shasha said, handing her notebook to them. "Also I'm getting a little lazy of wring these down. Can you do it? There're only a bit left for you to decode. The translation is also there."
"Fine we will," said Nina. "Considering that you fell asleep trying to decode this is kinda bad."
They read the decoded version and were kinda surprised.
"Oh your handwriting is terrible," said Nina, reading the decoded version. "Like it goes up and down, big at some points and then suddenly small."
"Just read it..." said Shasha, annoyed. "My handwriting depends on my mood."
It said that Luiz Gordo was actually a Secret Agent that worked with the police to destroy a drug business in Brazil. He had uncovered various truths about it and was very close to catching them.
"What else does it say?" Anna asked. "Quick, lets decode the rest."
They decoded the last few written pages of the book and found that Luiz had gotten lots of threats.

They're coming for me. They had somehow tracked me down. I've got to do something before it is too late! I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about Edite and Edwardo. Edwardo is only a kid! I don't want my family to suffer because of me!

"This is really sad," said Shasha, reading it over their shoulder. "So I guess we're done then."
"I think we should call Jin," said Nina, taking out her phone to dial. "Steve brought us the best clue. Speaking of which, where are he and Adam?"
"I have no idea," said Anna. "They must've gone somewhere."
"They went biking," said Shasha. "Oh and by the way, Steve borrowed your bike."
"Wait what?!" Nina asked, shocked. "Who are they with?"
"Hwoarang, of course, Lars, Paul, I think Jin is with them too," said Shasha. "So yeah, they're screwing around in their bikes. They say it's to test out Lars's new bike, but I feel like that's just an excuse..."
"That's it I'm gonna call Lei and tell him to catch them," said Anna, taking out her phone to call Lei. "They should quit biking, especially at a time like this!"
"Uhh Lee is with them," said Shasha. "He's biking with them."
"Oh then maybe I shouldn't," said Anna, putting her phone down. "I wouldn't wanna get my boss arrested. That would only get me fired..."
"And make your boyfriend break up with you," Nina said, teasingly. "Wouldn't want that right?"
"Fine whatever," said Anna. "But where are there?"
"I dunno, but I'm gonna text Steve to come her with Jin," said Shasha. "This is a big discovery!"
Soon they came and they showed them the decoded diary.
"But he never wrote who they were?" Jin asked. "How do we find out who the killer was?"
"Maybe we can dig in the database," said Nina. "Do you think it's in the Mishima Zaibatsu's database?"
"I don't know," said Jin. "It's best to check."
Soon, they were in Nina's study, looking into the Mishima Zaibatsu's database. To their dismay, it wasn't there.
"Maybe we can try the law enforcements' database," said Shasha. "My school has access to it."
"Great then what are we waiting for?" Steve asked. "You have access, right?"
"No..." said Shasha. "Only the staff has access, not the students. But I've tried hacking it a couple of times and it worked. But it only works in the school's computers. Can you hack into it, Jin?"
"No I can't," said Jin. "The database is highly classified."
"Maybe we can sneak in," said Nina. "Tonight?"
"Don't you mean break in?" Anna asked. "But yeah we can. You must come too, because you're the only one who know your way around the school, Shasha."
"Sure I will," said Shasha. "You sure you wanna go tonight? It's pretty late as it is..."
"What about Friday night instead?" Nina asked. "We don't get a week off, unlike Anna..."
"Fine you can take the week off," said Jin. "But I wanna see you on Monday, okay?"
"Yay!" They all cheered.
"What about me?" Shasha asked. "So I'm the only one who's actually going to school?"
"Fine, you too," said Jin. "But if you don't go this Friday, I'll make you pay by forcing you to work on weekends. Got that?"
"Yeah we will," said Steve. "Promise."
"Okay so I better go," said Jin, getting up. "It's almost dinner time. Mom will get mad if I skip dinner..."
"Relatable," Steve said, eyeing his mother. "Anyway, what's our dinner?"
"I'll leave you guys to that," Jin said, leaving. "If I delay any longer, I'm gonna get lectured. See ya."
He left the place and they soon heard his bike in the distance.
"Oi you just used my bike without telling me?" Nina asked Steve. "Like as if I'm gonna decline if you asked!"
"Sorry, mom," Steve apologised. "But it was dad. He was just like 'Eh Nina wouldn't mind, just take it!' And now I'm in trouble. Thanks dad."
"Hey I didn't say anything," said Adam. "I said you could borrow Nina's bike."
"Yeah but I said we should ask first," Steve argued. "But you were all like 'Nah!' And asked me to just take the bike!"
They started quarrelling and Nina had to stop them.
"If you guys keep fighting, you're not getting any dinner," said Nina. "Now I'm confused if I have one son or two sons..."
"Well yeah," said Anna. "Like father, like son."
They decided to just go to the diner for dinner. It was nearby and it had been a while since they went there.
"I was really looking forward to those chocolate waffles and root beer, but Christie showed up," said Shasha. "You know, I even ordered the food but had to leave before it arrived. So I had to kiss them goodbye, at that time."
"The waiter must've been really confused to find you missing," said Nina. "Luckily you didn't run away after eating."
"Hey wait isn't Miguel supposed to go to Eddy's too?" Steve asked suddenly. "I mean, isn't he like our 'boss'?"
"Yeah I think you guys can go tomorrow," said Adam. "I forgot that Jin actually mentioned it."
"I think you better return Luiz's journal," said Anna. "Eddy might notice it missing."
"Yeah I think I will," said Steve. "Especially since we have no use for it now since we have the decoded copy."
"Yeah we do," said Shasha. "Oh I wanna see Miguel's disguise!"
"Something tells me it's gonna be ridiculous," Nina said. "Adam, you need a plan."
"And a lot of hair gel," said Steve. "And the world's strongest hairbrush."

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