Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals

Start from the beginning

The Iplikci couple was one of the last to arrive at the wedding, and when they entered the hall, it was already filled with guests. The appearance of Omer and his wife did not go unnoticed. Childhood friends, classmates, and old acquaintances came up to say hello and take a closer look at the girl whom the perfect Iplikci married. Omer proudly introduced Defne to them.

She was a little embarrassed, blushed sweetly, and smiled radiantly, at the sight of which the eyes of the men flashed with admiration. But some of the women experienced opposite emotions and looked like they had drunk vinegar. When having exchanged a couple of phrases, Omer and Defne moved away from the company of old acquaintances, one of the girls twisted her lips that were too plump, like a duck's beak and sarcastically remarked:

- And what did Omer find in her? Viewed from the side - nothing special. Plus, I heard that she was from a poor family and worked as a waitress.

- Isn't beauty a feature, - looking at the trail of the receding couple, a man in black, shaved bald, mocked her. - Lucky Iplikci! He saw a real diamond. I wouldn't breathe around a wife like that. I only would admire her by days and nights.

- Oops, - the girl winced. - Stop it! I'm going to vomit now from your sugary speeches.

- That's why you are still not married, - the man did not remain in debt. - Who wants to live with a woman who is constantly nauseous?

Omer and Defne did not hear this skirmish. They went to their table, at which Ahtem and Laura were already sitting. The other two chairs were empty. After greeting her friends, Defne asked:

- And where are Sinan and Seda?

Ahtem pointed his head to the arch entwined with flowers and, winking, answered:

- Prepare to witness the goodwill of those entering into marriage.

"Yes," Laura supported him, laughing. - And then suddenly Iz will refuse and say - there are no witnesses, there was nothing.

"She can," Omer agreed, and pushing a chair for Defne helped her to sit down.

- Why did you take so long? Laura asked. - The ceremony will begin now. The steward has already gone to fetch the bride and groom.

Omer, sitting down in his seat, looked sideways at his wife and replied:

- Defne had another attack of self-doubt.

- What? - Laura asked, and Defne looked at her husband reproachfully.

But Omer ignored her gaze and replied:

- She decided that since she was born without a silver spoon in her mouth and grew up in a simple neighborhood, these circumstances may attract the ridicule of my school friends on my head.

- I do not believe it! - Laura exclaimed and turned to Defne. - He's kidding, right?

Defne herself looked at Omer in amazement. What is he doing? Why tell her friends about her fears? But he didn't seem to notice her gaze. He calmly examined the hall and nodded at the greetings of his acquaintances.

- Defne, have you thought like this? - Laura did not stop and she was forced to answer:

"But it's true. Omer and I are, so to speak, from different weight categories.

"Nonsense," the Countess answered confidently. - There are only two differences between people - you are human or you are rubbish. You are human, Defne. Your kindness and mercy put you ten steps above the "noble" snobs. Trust the girl who has seen hundreds of them.

Defne didn't have time to answer. The orchestra began to play a solemn melody and the bride and groom appeared at the top of the stairs. The guests got up from their seats and the audience burst into applause. Defne also clapped her hands and smiled, and scrolled Laura's words in her head. A born countess who was human and not rubbish and had seen enough evil in her life to appreciate the good.

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