8)I'll Haunt Your Ass

Start from the beginning

Second theory then.

"Could it just be a bunch of potheads?"

"Lex, no one's gonna run in fear of some potheads. Most everyone's already left the house." He nods towards the open window. "Just look!"

Sure enough, looking out the window, I can see people running down the street. They look back at the house like they're being chased, each one with a look of complete terror written on their faces.

It's real.


Fear grips my throat, sending my voice rising to a pitch that could make dogs howl. "So what do we do?"

Without hesitation, he climbs out the window onto the roof of the two-car garage that stretches out from the house. Crouching down, he extends a hand to me.

"We jump down." He calmly answers.

The color drains from my face. "What?!"

Jace drank the crazy juice!

"It's our best option. Come on, Alexis, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

"But it's not our only option, right?" I nod hopefully.

His deadpan stare is all the answer I need.

Right, option two; crawl through the smoke filled house and hope we don't die.

"Lexi, if you don't get your ass out here right now, I will come back in and get you my fucking self."

I'm tempted to see him try but the look in his eyes is clear; I'm going out that window one way or another.

With a deep breath and a small mental pep talk- you can do this- I grab his hand and climb out the window. The night air hits me, sending a chill through my body as a siren blares somewhere in the distance. From out here, I can smell the faint hint of smoke.

Guess he was right. Something is definitely smoking, but with a house fire, I would've thought it'd be stronger than this.

I follow Jace carefully across the garage roof. "Could you tell where the fire was coming from?"

"No," he shakes his head. "And I don't plan on sticking around to find out. Come on."

He stands at the edge, looking down at the grass below us. The street lights barely reach this far, making the jump seem so much higher in the dark.

It's the blackhole of doom.

"Alright, I'm gonna jump down and then when I say so, you jump and I'll catch you. Deal?"

I stare at the ground, my stomach sinking like a free-falling elevator. I'm gonna die.

"Alexis." He lifts the tip of my chin with his finger, making me look into his deep blue pools of confidence. "I'll catch you. I fucking swear."

I swallow and nod.

Still holding my chin, he licks his lips, his gaze zeroing in on my mouth. Suddenly, the idea of jumping doesn't sound so scary. There are much more terrifying things to worry about. Like how hard it is to breathe when he looks at me like that.


His hand falls away. "Right."

He doesn't step back, or take a deep breath, or prepare in any way. Once second he's next to me and the next, he's leaping from the room. Both his feet plant firmly on the ground. It seems like such a simple thing to do, yet I'm sure if I tried to jump without a safety net, I'd break a bone.

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